My forlorn companion...
I had a horrible night's sleep...it was one of those that did not start off on the right foot, worrying and thinking...a lot on my mind. I thought I could escape all the mind chatter by drifting to sleep...I had originally thought there was a lot going on in there until I woke up during some pre-dawn hours and really worried...
Bouncing from one place to another and then back again...
90% of my family and friends have birthdays between November 1st and January 31st. OH...and then there's the holiday season as well...not that I'm complaining, I'm just worried. Worried I will not find the exact right thing to gift...I love to give gifts...it's deeply satisfying and exciting for me. And...I have a few things I want to make people as well this year...not huge overwhelming projects, but new for me to make...which makes the ideas sneak into my life as I go over and over in my head exactly what I should do to make things work out...so starts the creative process...
Apparently during the middle of the night...
When I can't do a darned thing about it...
And then all day long as I was wanting to catch up with sleep, which was not to be...unless you count a small cat nap on the Airstream couch this afternoon during the end of an episode of Farscape...Rich and I had plans for him to introduce me to the world of climbing...we postponed from the morning to the afternoon, and when I staggered in at the appointed time, we both looked at each other, staggered around half heartedly trying to work up some excitement for the afternoon...and decided perhaps this was more of a flop day...
My assignment for the evening is to attack this large pile of newly washed fabric...put it in the right stacks and stay awake until I can go to sleep...
Cause' I don't think I can not sleep through another night...
Today I am Thankful For:
A good understanding friend who seems to think he's being boring at times...but really knows how to appreciate the fine art of the flop...and who has damned fine taste in movies and TV.
Good friends on the phone...for the girlie chit chat, of which I deeply need...
New ideas for projects that excite me...and the wherewithal to hoard, um...collect fabric for the future...
1 comment:
Just wait until season two where Ben Browder wears the leather pants in almost every episode. YOWZA!
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