Yes I am.
I am the kind of gal who tries to send out holiday cards the day after Thanksgiving...well, I was until my divorce. I think it may have been some psychological, "hey...every thing's fine over here with us...see? I can prove it...here's your holiday card! And obviously, my marriage and/or I am better than you..." Oh the things we do to fool ourselves (I'm sorry everyone...I repent...I also think I tried to send out early to make sure that everyone knows I'm on top of it...How many people do you think I'm really fooling? Well...no one now...you all know my dirty little secret don't you? It's the Aries Virgo combo I've got circling around my natal chart...pair that with the Sagittarius and watch out...Watch me start...watch me walk away from finishing...sigh.) Plus...after the divorce I basically went an entire year without having the energy to do more than send out just a smattering of cards and gifts to the bare minimum of people in my life...it made me break into a cold sweat and panic attack if I thought of any more than that...which is also silly...because I love to give gifts...it just seemed like SO. MUCH. PRESSURE.
Well...I don't have the "divorce" to fall back on, because I think people are ready for me to "get over it" and "move on" OK...I'll meet you there, I'll pick my battered and bruised body up and walk forward...I'm doing it at my own pace though...and during the few years since my singeldom (also known as thetimetheuniversekickedmeintheass)I rediscovered my creativity in a much bigger way...
Mostly cause' a girl's gonna' go totally crazy if she's not creating (you know...more than she is already?)
So, you're getting totally handmade holiday cards this year...
I promise...
And, I was lucky enough to rope Ms. Dina into the plans this Sunday...she was acting photographer and she's doing the printing for me as well...we discussed the finer points yesterday (size and quantity) as my printer is a wonky bitch...and we are not on speaking terms at all right now (I replaced an ink cartridge a while ago...it didn't work and I got all disgusted crossed my arms, tapped my foot and stomped away...this usually never works with inanimate objects...mostly)
What you're getting up there is a very blurry picture of me...I don't want to ruin any surprises (plus, I loved this picture the most...even though it's blurry because it looks like it would have turned out great...then again, maybe that's why I like it...I can't see my features too well?) AND...as a special surprise/treat for all my loyal blog readers and fans...I want to send everyone out there, who wants one...a totally Sadira handmade Holiday card...But, there's a catch (but, it's a fun one...don't worry):

I will feel very sad...
And lonely...
And ignored...
And nobody wants that, do they?
(god...what a whiner...)
Things I am Thankful For:
The time and energy to be creative...the ability to be inspired by things around me...the drive to do...and the sheer feeling of bubbled up joy that happens when I am in the moment creating...
For the combination of fresh garlic, basil, olive oil and tomatoes...of which will be gracing my dinner tonight (along with some gluten free pasta and dairy free Parmesan) It has been making me salivate all day long anytime I think of it. Oh yeah...I found some big ole' bags of Organic Basil at Albersons for a darned good price...
Lady you are too fun.
oooooh! Me me!
I'm outing my lurking! Thank you for the wonderful email and I look forward to receiving the card.
hugs n squeezes back at ya!
Ooooooh. I want one... I want one!!!
I'll send you a Chrismukkah Card in return!!! Oooooooo. I'm excited. :)
I wanna I wanna I wanna!!!!! You look so adorable up there!! Striped stockings??? An umbrella?? Pink???? Oh my... YOu know, you have to do everything for how it suits you. It is your life, your pace yourself. It is all about you, and don't you forget it. You are amazing!!! xoxoxoo
Your dinner sounds divine! We did homemade pizza(again). Sigh. My 14yo loves it though so I make it more often than I care to.
Christmas cards? I've been married 17 years and have yet to send anyone a Christmas card. I WILL send you one though, in return for one of yours!!
ps, still having camera issues. *Santa* took the hint though and has been talking to my hubby about putting a new one in my stocking.
christmas cards? already?
i'm gonna go cry now. ack. the pressure.
You already know I want one, so I'll just confirm that I'm in and will pay it forward. :)
You make me laugh! :D I used to be on top of it before I had a baby 11 years ago. Now, more years than not, I manage to buy cards to send, but then never send them out. Handmade is a thing of the past! :D
I'd say I'd like a card, but considering my track-record, I'm not good for it. :D
I do love your pic! I think it captures your spirit so perfectly (minus the fuzziness...or wait, are you sometimes fuzzy, too?? I am so excited to have made your list! I've been on 'lists' before, but I think this is a list that I WANT to be on!! OOOOhhhh.... I can't wait!! : )
pretty pretty please.
I'm Paying it Forward and am SO CLOSE to sending you a package :-)
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