I am not with him.
I am at home (for various reasons...none of which have to do with how we're getting along...we're fine) trying to enjoy a Richless week, which includes a lot of plans for cleaning, organizing, culling, and just generally whipping Foolsewoode into shape (and the spring like weather is cooperating and making it so easy to feel like I am cleaning for a reason...other than that of feeling icky when I walk through the door...and Marla's coming to visit in a couple of weeks as well as Rich having another opening at the gallery, and if people stay here...well, let's just say that it's ickier than I generally like it, we'll just put it at that) I'm also planning a big camping trip with Tombo and DaNece for next weekend, working at the shop...and living my regular life here while Rich is away.
Rich and I are of course, staying in touch by phone as he's enjoying his relaxing vacation...well, and reading blog posts and checking facebook status (don't you just love the internets?) It sounds as if he's having a wonderful time away...and I was giggling at one of our first conversations while he was on the road...
Setting: Friday morning
(after playing phone tag)
(after playing phone tag)
R - "Hey! I'm about 10 miles from my destination...and I pulled over to take pictures and call!!!"
S - "Great. Hey...do we have the same sized head?"
(note the lack of concern for his general safety on the road...of course, I want him to be safe, but I totally trust his driving skills by this time...)
R - "...Um. Yeah? I think...I mean, you've worn some of my hats....?"
(I can tell that I've peeked his interest with a question coming from left field)
S - "You know? I thought so! It's just that I found this fantastic vintage Borsalino gray bowler hat in it's original box...with it's original brush!!!"
R - "Oh...I love bowler hats."
(I knew this)
S - "I know. I thought I'd pick it up as a gift for you..."
(and I hope with all my heart it fits his head...because it is that wonderful, and I felt like I had stepped back in time when I tied the bow and walked out of the store with a hat in a hat box. Very classy.)
Thus the teaser picture of the new, old bowler hat for Rich as a purprise (sort of) for when he comes home next week.
Because I miss him.
And I want him to look good.
(not that he doesn't usually...I just thought this may enhance)