29 December 2010

Snow and Design...

Just a small teaser picture of one of the windows of the new shop.

...says the woman who keeps forgetting her camera.

...says the woman who has consecutively woken up at 4 am for the last two days.


My mother and I have been knee deep, or maybe hip deep (come to think of it) in preparations for opening the shop.

Things like:

*Moving heavy heavy objects all around the new space.  My body is so sore it's amazing.  Luckily most of the times we're pushing, hauling and lifting things around we inevitably have to break for laughter...which makes it all worth it, and things are starting to really come together, amidst all the laughter.  What a fun way to create!

*Making many trips all around the shop with armloads of clothing, as all of the clothing was delivered yesterday and we ran out of places to hang it right towards the end and had to come up with a more alternative plan and lay them in piles on the ground.  Walking around a space that is almost twice as big as the other one is exhausting, but in an exhilarating way!

*Working through our first real snow storm of the year...which set the delivery of the wall racks back a day (and only one, I hope) and feeling mighty lucky that the clothing move was scheduled for the sunny day, and not the snowy/blizzard one.  Which gives us more time to fluff and design the rest of the space, and come up with different ideas for placement...I tell you, there are times when I've looked around and thought that not all of the clothes are going to fit...but I know the space is so much bigger that I'm just being silly!

*Hand washing little loads of Vintage doll clothes, and receiving emails of inspiration from my mother...which lets my mind relax and wander into the realm of window design.  What we have up right now is something we  put together in between pushing and pulling furniture, shelves, and showcases...what is going on in my head (and both of our heads) is more exciting.  It's like seeing a whole other light at the end of the tunnel...or seeing a whole other door open in a room with a lot of other open doors and windows.  It's another fun part of the shop...and the part you can let sneak in when you're in between moving and your mind relaxes a bit in a different way.

*And that Murano glass chandelier up there in that picture?  It's totally wired and working...I just forgot to turn it on for the photo (I would love to see the whole shop hung with chandeliers like that one.)  But I promise that I will take more photos soon.  We are shooting for an earlier opening date than we had originally discussed, and we'll see if we can make that happen.

For now?

I think I'll sit and watch the snow come down and dream...

23 December 2010

All Things Glittery and Sparkling Bright...

Oh my.

Could it be that Christmas is just a hop skip and a jump away?

I think it might be, and I can see it rounding the bend, and if I squint just right...there it is...in my near future.  Thank heavens things around Foolsewoode are all sparkling bright this season, and the little dusting of snow I woke up to this morning helped with my holiday mood.  Of course, it helps and mostly all comes together when you find a ridiculously cute vintage scene in which to welcome the season.

Yes indeed.  What you see in this post is two little sweeties skiing, with a deer, and a whole slew of flocked ornaments, including (but not limited to) bells, and some crazy pink looking shrubbery...all mounted on a Styrofoam base trimmed in pink ribbon.
Of course.

My mother remarked that when I get married in the future I absolutely must do it at Christmas and then I could use this as a center piece.  I told her if I got married at Christmas I'd use this as a cake topper!

And I don't even ski.

But, it would be worth it, no?

(I'm picturing a pink wedding dress trimmed in white marabou...anything that goes with pink and blue ornaments and my tiara...

Until that day, this little piece fits in nicely with all the Holiday Trimmings in these parts and will probably enjoy a long life with me no matter how it's used.  I mean, I suppose I could just throw a holiday party and design the whole soiree around this diorama (of sorts)

I'll let you know when that happens.

(I'm now picturing Ambrosia...again in pink or blue?  And I can still wear my tiara...)

On this eve of Christmas eve (that's a lot of eve's isn't it?) I wish all of you a very happy holiday in case I don't make it back to write in this space...and you enjoy all of your celebrating in the coming days.  I think I'm going to reflect on this last year and spend a little time thinking about what I was doing on this day a year ago...and maybe just a little bit about what the future may hold...

And wait to see if Santa got my letter this year.

(I've decided to bribe him with peanut butter and chocolate fudge instead of cookies...I hope that works!)

22 December 2010

I've Got My Eye On You...

The thrifts have been a regular treasure trove around these parts lately...and I realize that I haven't done a thrifting post for a while...what with not hardly posting at all, I suppose that's to be expected?

At any rate.

During my annual Christmas Vintage Treasure Hunt during this time of year, I am sad to say that I haven't come up with buckets and baskets of vintage goodies...but it may be because I started the whole holiday treasure hunting season out with a bang and found the most delightful silver aluminum Christmas tree (with pom poms on the ends of its branches) as the very first vintage Christmas thing I purchased this year


Now, add to that the fact that the thrift had received it in its original box, with each branch in its original paper sleeve protector, nestled sweetly with its original instructions...And then we can talk about how someone somewhere in their back room decided to save all of that.  So, not only did I get this beautiful tree, but all of the other perks that came along with it.

And then I got a vintage color wheel at an estate sale, which I haven't seen in ages.  And I snapped that up too because I really wanted it for both the new silver aluminum tree and the pink aluminum tree I have at home.

So, while I haven't been raking it in by the boxes full, I can honestly say that this season it has been quality over quantity.

The tree is safely tucked into the window display at Keystone Antiques, my mother's antique store downtown where it is being displayed in all of its glory.

It is the perfect window display tree for sure, and I am picturing it being used as a window display for Snap Snap for many years to come...

But, I did want to share with you the new little vintage glasses holder I got as well!  That's me in the picture up there hiding behind it...It's a little metal silver and gold-tone holder with red jeweled pupils...and perfect for my Lulu Guinness glasses that were just laying around on the side table in my bedroom.  I currently have two pairs of glasses, and I use my Lulu's for my stylish out and about glasses and I use the others for...um, other things?
Anyway, I've been worried something was going to happen to my Lulus just laying there, so now they have their own silly little home.

Snap Snap Update:  I was just at Home Depot this morning getting paint mixed and supplies purchased for the painting party that is happening at the new space on Sunday.  I have one question to ask.  When did all of that stuff get so expensive?!  Gracious.  But, it's the fastest way to give a total face lift to a space and usually the most inexpensive way as well...which is almost a little hard to believe as I totaled up my purchases, but I know it will be worth it when it's all done and ready to be designed and set up.

A local shop in town is going out of business, so I was able to run over and purchase a lot of new racks for the new shop.  They were a fantastic deal for me and I really needed to update some of the racks I have (even though between my mother and I, we have a ton of clothing racks...and a lot of hers are amazing vintage ones) as I have been using the same racks since I opened almost 16 years ago!  And I also scored some lovely new half mannequins, mannequins, and mannequin heads all for display.  Now all I need is some more chandeliers (although, I did dig some out that I have been saving for a special occasion...oddly enough.) so we will light and hang what we have and keep our eyes open for the rest that we will need!

We're also meeting with a friend about metal.  Sounds intriguing?  I'll say.  We are looking into having all sorts of metal shapes, letters, and numbers for the new space...along with signs, jewelry...and whatever else we think of coming up with.  It's so fun to create with so many inspiring people!

I scheduled the movers for the 28th early in the morning, so in a Snap (ha!) everything will be removed from here and over in its new home...the wall racks will come down the 29th, and we will be fluffing and designing until January 2nd, which will be our new opening date!  What a great way to start off the New Year...

19 December 2010

And the Holidays Just Roll Right In...

No matter what changes are running rampant through my life right now The Holidays can't wait...as a matter of fact, they're rolling right up with reckless abandon.


Could it be that there is less than a week left until Christmas?

Yes, I am all ready...gift wise.  Things have been sent out, they have been bought and stashed...but they have not been wrapped.  And not one thing has been baked...Nor have I sent any holiday cards like I usually do...


But, I did schedule the phone to be switched over to the new shop, and I also have a mover set up to move the Snap Snap to its new home...and I have announced my last day open in the original location as December the 27th (and painting as much as I can of the new space December 26th)  And, we're shooting to be open in the new location January 2nd...even if things are a little rough.  We are used to working around rough edges and it will be easy to work while I'm actually at work, so to speak.  I think we're both finding it hard to really design the space until we know exactly what we're really working with.  So there's that.

And in the midst of all of this change and excitement is the view from my home, decorated for the holidays.  As I sit here snuggled on the couch contemplating exactly what holiday movie to put on for tonight's enjoyment I am also pondering if I like the view from the inside or the outside the best...
I put up the tree at it's normal early time and it sat here with just lights on it...along with the mantle.  The thought of decorating seemed to be a little too much in the midst of everything else, and I figured that I would just call it a day and live with simplicity, because all of the lights are just as beautiful...and then all of a sudden one night I jumped up and started in.  I mean I kept thinking that I collect all of these lovely vintage ornaments, candles, and village houses and since they can only be brought out one time a year then it's high time they see the light of day.

After decorating (which probably took all of about an hour) and then sitting here watching the white lights glinting off all the sparkle and fluff I was immediately happy that I did.

And I can enjoy the view...

(good grief!  I was just looking at the picture I posted and it looks a bit blurry.  I actually used a soften effect...hmmmm)

13 December 2010

To Do Lists...

Photo Credit
I am here to say that the amount of To Do Lists around here have reached epic proportions.

This is only to be expected, as my mother and I are currently elbow deep in the negotiation of the moving of 2 businesses (well, 3 if you count the reorganizing and revamping of her other store Keystone Antiques, which will be even more packed full of goodies when we get towards the end of this month) and as I was totally and completely ready to go early this morning (I'm getting to the stage where I am having a hard time relaxing and feel more comfortable if I'm doing something instead)  I offered to help my mother out before I dashed to work for the day myself...whereupon completion of said help, we were catching our breath and my mother was rearranging her lists in front of her.

This is exactly the point in which we started laughing.

She had spread out in front of her no less than 3 envelopes with things written on them and arrows and exclamation points and things crossed out.  It was impressive.  She's a big believer in reuse and recycle (which could be only one of the reasons we both work in the secondary market;  Antiques, Collectibles, Resale Clothing...the other is our joint passion for such things) so she usually snags old envelopes from bills and letters she saves and routinely uses them to make lists on.

Which is just as well, seeing as there may be a lot of list making around here for some time to come...I tell you, it's impressive indeed.

Snap Snap Update:  The Book Section and all of the Jewelry are moved out of the Snap Snap and are already at the new location on 133 N. Cortez St.  Also, I have counter tops and a large lit case with adjustable glass shelves, in case anyone is interested in buying displays for a shop...While cleaning out the jewelry case, I did open the doors on the bottom of it and found a blue mirror I used to use for display, 2 pairs of vintage wrap around safety glasses, and a vintage "Grand Opening" cloth banner.  I think all of those things will come in handy at some point, no?

I also think I narrowed down a color for the walls of the new location, which kind of lends itself to a lovely rich cream hue.  We really want to have a neutral palette in which to build off of (and not clash with the amazing wood floors that grace the new shop.)  While I did paint the original Snap Snap with a lot of whimsy and color...We both feel like we want to take the new shop in a different direction.  Since we will be offering so many other items for sale at any one time, stock will be changing constantly, we will build and design our displays off of all the baubles and fun items we have in at the moment instead of relying on a static wall bling.

I have also redesigned all the Shop Tags (a more flowy background and static font, instead of a hand lettered font like I have been using since 1995) with the help of the lovely staff at Staples here in town.  Dina and I also got together and designed a lovely flier for my BIG move as well...so it's plastered all over windows and being handed out.

That's all for now.  I'm off to start making lists...

06 December 2010

The Time is Now For BIG Changes...

 Well I have exciting news...After almost 16 years at the exact same location, towards the first of 2011, I will be moving Snap Snap!

I know.

We haven't even had New Year's Eve, and there's already big changes happening in my corner of the world...and Snap Snap's corner of the world too for that matter.

The new shop will be a joint venture between my mother and I, in a much larger space for me (although, we will be keeping the name Snap Snap and our phone number) and on a much busier street in the town....Kind of known around these parts as Antique Row.  I will be moving everything to 133 N. Cortez St.  Besides gaining space, there will be some wonderful new changes at hand.

Along with all the fantastic things I carry now at Snap Snap (name brand clothing for women and men, jewelry, handbags, shoes, hats, and any other wearable accessories...) we will be expanding into and exploring the idea of a whole Resale Lifestyle.

Which simply means that we will also be offering Antiques, Collectibles, books, vintage household items, vintage supplies, and things in which to feather and fluff your entire life...

Resale Mind, Body, Soul.

In anticipation, I have begun finding more display items and other ideas in which to grow Snap Snap up and bring it into a different stage in its life.  We both have creative ideas of where to take this new space, and still let it remain a more than affordable, alternative,  and exciting place to shop in Prescott.

People keep asking me Why Now?

Well, it seems like the right time for me to set my sights on something that my mother and I have been tossing around now in the air for more than a year...it seems like it is the right time to combine our creativity and see where we go.  Between us we have more than 30 years worth of experience running shops  in Prescott.

It's time.

*I will be updating this space regularly with news about the big move...Here We Go...

01 December 2010


Happy December 1st!

Did you miss me?

I missed you...like the Dickens, which is somewhat appropriate as we're almost in the season of Dickens.  Well, so far as A Christmas Carol and things having to do with Tiny Tim and such.  And I missed writing in this space too.

Oh I was writing, you can believe that. I WON NaNoWriMo! I did it! I wrote a 50,000 word novel in one month...I wrote 2,000 words a day.  For the first two weeks, and then I didn't and I was just going to let myself slide because I have a TON of new things going on in my life right now, and then Andrew and Angie made me write.

They went about it in a very sneaky was as well...I spent the afternoon at their house on Thanksgiving where I taught them how to play Cribbage, and they introduced me to the joys of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (only the most loved and watched show of most of my favorite people in the world...I'm just slow on the uptake I guess) and after we were all hooked on both of those things, hey slyly suggested that I come over a couple of days later and we'd play cribbage, watch Buffy, eat leftovers, and write for NaNo.

And there I was hopelessly trapped between leftovers and Buffy and before you know it, I actually wrote approximately 25,000 words in 3 days.

(it helps that I write average 900 words every 15 minutes)
(I have a lot to say)

(stop laughing)

But, I finished my novel yesterday before 2:00 pm and entered my words onto the official NaNo page and they counted them and said I needed about 250 more.  Seriously. The program I was using said I had 25 more than I needed, so I actually had to reach deep and find 250 more words I hadn't already overused...

But I did it.

And I'm amazed at myself. I am such a strong started when it comes to certain things, but I always thought I had a hard time finishing.  However, I've realized as I've gotten older, this may be an old story and I'm getting much better at finishing the things I start.

Which is good because I got some fabulous news to let you all in on, and I'll do that tomorrow...

I'm not sure what will be next for my novel, but I did learn some interesting things:
  • Once I start doing a project, when I get in the flow of creativity, it is hard for me to stop...I never knew I did this with writing too.
  • I honestly thought I could sit down and write a manuscript that was ready to be published. I quickly realized that not many people probably can do that, and it will take a lot of revising and editing. This is not a bad thing, but it was surprising to me.
  • I know who my characters are because they're in my head. I found it very funny that I hardly described them in words...no one else would be able to figure out if they even liked these people.
  • Winning NaNo does not give me any grand prizes other than a downloadable certificate and a funny video of vikings singing my praises.  It also gave me a great sense of accomplishment and a very large smile...and bragging rights.
  • I can do most anything I set my mind to if I give myself the chance to do it. (although sometimes I work better with a deadline...and at the last minute) (but there's always enough time)
And I'm not sure if I'll do NaNo again next year, but you never can tell...it was a great time (all said and done)

10 November 2010

All Souls Procession...Tucson Arizona 2010

Well hello there!

I'm sure with the silence for the past couple of days, and you knowing that I went to Tucson's Day of the Dead Procession, you were probably wondering if I maybe had gotten swept into the river of souls that were parading and remembering and calling attention to on Sunday?

I almost did.
The procession was a very powerful experience coming on the heels of what was a very relaxing weekend with Andrew and Angie, who accompanied me down south for the trip.  We happen to travel quite well together (although I didn't have any doubts) and I have no idea whether it's because I was traveling in Arizona, or the fact that I've been to Tucson more than several times in my life, but we were seriously chill.  It was a whole lot of meandering around, finding fantastic little coffee shops and other little boutiques...chit chatting and discovering the most wonderful food

(it's Tucson, they're serious about their Mexican food down there.  Very serious.  Also?  Megan gave us a little list of good things to check out.  She did not lead us astray.)

We stayed at the Quality Inn Flamingo Hotel which is a cute little historic hotel they've re-done very close to Fourth Ave. and UofA.  I have always wanted to stay at some sort of Flamingo Hotel after I totally blew it and didn't stay at Andy Womaks Flamingo Motor Inn when I lived in Flagstaff (it was a wonderful old Route 66 Motel, although I'm not sure if it had ever been updated, so it may have been dicey...but one should try as hard as they can to live out their dreams...yes?)

There were no flamingos at the hotel anywhere, which I'm sure they could have done with at the pool area, but I'll just bring mine from home next time.


We kind of got a bit mixed up with the schedule of what was happening the weekend of the Day of the Dead, and we probably should have stayed until Monday and then come home, but we all got a little flexible and made our weekend work for us.  Which means we got to see the Angel Procession which is in honor of all the children that have passed.

This was a smaller procession of children at a nearby park.  Also at the park there were several families with altars set up for their loved ones while they sat and looked on.  There were also performances by several schools and very talented children (a lot on stilts.  Tucson has a very large "circus" and performance culture that starts with all sorts of camps and classes for youth) there was also several places you could write the names of your own little family members and a slide show of pictures being projected onto the side of the building...which was so touching, it was hard not to cry.

I don't know any of the people in the pictures, but it was wonderful to see them all...and so very many pictures of people's animals as well.  I will think to pack waterproof mascara next time.

The night of the big procession, which is held on a Sunday (NowWeKnow) the members of Flam Chen, the amazing fire performers (who also perform a huge finale) were running around in the crowds handing out and collecting pieces of paper from people who wrote blessings, messages, or things they want to let go of, so that they may be burned at the big ending ceremony.

I have seen Flam Chen perform several times in Prescott thanks to Tsunami on the Square...but it's still very hard to miss one of their performances if you're right there...but we did have to get home and it is about a four hour drive from that very place.

We were there about an hour early to check everything out, and when the procession finally started, people crowded close to the route, and I had the feeling of standing on the river bank of a very somber and sacred flow of...well, death, love and memories.
There were a lot of people holding pictures and lit candles, floats...for the wolves that are being killed in Arizona, Water, Our AZ education system, The BP oil spill and the sea life that was lost there, Names of the children that have committed suicide from the bulling in school, various propositions that passed in AZ during the most recent election...it was absolutely amazing.

And totally profound.

I can't say that I was overstimulated or even overwhelmed.  I was just there, standing and watching it all go by trying to acknowledge all the memories and thoughts people had brought with them.

05 November 2010

Día de los Muertos...

Well once again, I'm off!
Like a shot out of a gun...here she goes.


(at some point I may actually catch up with myself)
(but really, when you have a surprise New York trip thrown smack dab in the middle of your life, and you've already planned other things it makes for some fun and busy traveling)
(which I adore)

This time I'm off on a road trip with wonderful friends to enjoy Tucson's Day of the Dead celebration, which was pushed to this weekend because of Halloween falling on the Sunday before All Saints  and All Souls Day.

I am very excited as I have always wanted to go to their celebration and I have no idea why I have never made it down there, but there you go.

And here I go!!

Although, I don't know if I'll see anybody as cute as my Prescott sweeties were for our Day of the Dead parade...The Sun and a Moon baby and a witch.

Which really is the perfect threesome if you think about it.

Have a fantastic weekend!

04 November 2010

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (only I wouldn't know that for sure, cause' I didn't get to Brooklyn. But I did see the bridge.)

A Tree Lined Street!

Dave spent a fair amount of time laughing at me because I kept exclaiming that very sentence while we walked all over The Village.  It seems kind of silly because I do happen to live in the mountains, which are surrounded by protected national forest, and I happen to care take some trees on my property (I don't figure I own them, not really) but there's something more quaint about seeing these sweet tree-lined streets with all the brownstones and beauty.


Do you hear that City Of Prescott?!
Can I have a new tree to replace the one you ripped out in front of the shop 5 years ago?!

Actually, I walked around a lot in The Village kind of amazed at the amount of decorations and flowers and pumpkins that were all around.  Not only in front of the many shops, but in front of the brownstones as well.  There they were in all their glory, with no one touching them.


You may not know about the battle of the planters/flowerpots I have had in front of Snap! Snap!, but finally gave up after having them stolen from in front of the shop, having the flowers ripped out and trailed down the street, people urinating and leaving their beer bottles and cigarette butts in them, having one of them picked up and thrown through a car window (apparently the continuation of a bar fight) and the last straw? Coming to work and finding them kicked apart while a homeless man who used to stop by and say hi and tell me how much he appreciated seeing my flowers, stood there with my shredded flowers in little containers he found at the thrift because he felt so bad (after cleaning up the entire mess with a borrowed broom from next door, all before I got to work because he knew how much I loved the flowers and he didn't want me to see this latest horror...such a sweet man.  Seriously.)  I walked by all this beauty and flowers in The Village, in the middle of Manhattan and I marveled at the beauty all around me that people chose to leave there totally intact so everyone could enjoy it.  I have no idea why people aren't vandallizing these things in a big city and why they are in our small town...but it did make me stop and wonder.

I'd love to hear your theories on the matter though...

Here is one of the mighty old fountains in The Village.  Obviously it's no longer working, but Dave said they take great pride in cleaning and restoring it.
I am totally in love with the face above the tile and can only imagine how beautiful it is when it's working.

We did take a little jaunt through Washington Square Park, which is under renovation, so Dave said they've been digging up skulls and other human remains for quite a while now.
Apparently Washington Square Park was a burial ground for mass graves at one point.

It was still very crowded though and can you believe it?  Not one person solicited me for drugs!  Last time I was there it was drug free-for-all where you could have gotten anything you wanted.*  I mean, it was a Drug Market to Washington Square as it is the famous Farmers Market to Union Square.

*I did not take anyone up on their offer of drugs, I just found it mildly amazing coming from a small town and only being 21 and whatnot.

Dave said it was probably because it was 10 am and it was a bit early for the drug dealers to be out and about on a Saturday.

And here's Dina talking on her phone in front of Tinsel Trading Co.

Let me tell you a little story.  My mother had just gotten a book on Tinsel Trading Co. or more specifically, what was in their basement.  Apparently once there was a man who was into some sort of banking in NYC who was the son of a tailor and who loved trims and notions and beautiful things.  I believe he inherited his father's shop and during his lifetime his family never stopped buying notions and trims...even if you had just a bit of something leftover from someone, he would buy it.

Well, they have a shop full of the most delightful trims and notions, and I mean it is overwhelmingly eye-popping in there...and his grand daughter is now in charge of all things Tinsel Trading, and since they recently moved their store, she let a photographer go through their basement snapping shots...which no one had ever done before.

I had a wonderful time poking all around, and honestly could have probably spent hours in there, but as it was I gathered up a bag full of the sweetest little baubles and beauties for my mother.  She was amazed when I texted her where I was and said, "I don't believe it! Is it the REAL one?!"

Yes indeedy it was...right smack dab in the middle of the garment district!

I am so happy that she shared this book with me before I left for NY!

Come to think of it, I think we were looking at this book a month before I even knew I was going.  We're so intuitive in my family...

And here's Dina doing a little high kick at Rockefeller Center's ice rink.
We've already discussed how I chickened out because I was afraid I would fall and break something...and you would not believe the flack that I'm getting from people about this.  To which I have one thing to say...

I invite you to go out to New York and ice skate on the ice rink at Rockefeller Center and tell me how much you enjoyed it.

So there.

Rockefeller Center.

And a final stop in our trip to New York...and a place I've been longing to see since my first trip 19 years ago...the famous Alice in Wonderland statue in Central Park donated by George Delacorte (the famous publisher and philanthropist) upon the death of his wife Margarita on what he declared to be the best plot in Central Park.  The giant bronze statue is surrounded by little sayings which you can read for yourself if you follow this link.

As you can see, I shimmied my tush up onto a mushroom and am hanging onto the door mouse and I have to say, I just love this picture about the mostest out of all the pictures of New York.

So, that's about it...our Fabulous New York trip in it's entirety.  I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I did...

03 November 2010

Mostly Wordless Wednesday...

Here I am.

Standing on the last privately owned piece of land in Manhattan, the Hess Triangle.  Or maybe I'm trespassing?  That would probably be more accurate.

Apparently you can not own land in Manhattan, only buildings...the land belongs to the state?  I'm not sure, I think that was what Dave was talking about...but you know how I am about historical sites covered in mosaic tiles...I tend to get all snappy with the camera, which may or may not lead to me tuning people out.


AKA: after googling and reading the history of this triangle I think we can say the City is a big ole' bully and an over user of Eminent Domain.  

But it is an enchanting little piece of history nonetheless (although probably not for the Hess family when their building got demolished) and I'm so happy I was there.

02 November 2010

The Big Apple...

Look at that.  Isn't that quaint?

It was the front of a little brownstone on our block, all decorated for Halloween.  We were staying at Restaurant Row (I know, perfect for people such as myself) (perfect in the way that I almost eat nonstop while on vacation) at The French Quarters.  It was a lovely homey hotel that was mighty easy to come home to at the end of a long day.

They also had a Keruig in the room, so that was extra special.  They use L'Occitaine as their toiletries, which is one of my favorite companies ever for body products...and they serve breakfast daily...including New York bagels and hard boiled eggs.

It was very hard to come home and not have someone make me breakfast and coffee.

And this is Dave.

He's a little blurry cause' we're getting onto a subway to go to The Village, and I'm totally excited so I'm probably shaking.
Dave is a very good friend of mine from days gone by, and whom I just thought to try to reconnect with on facebook on total accident a mere three weeks before my New York trip, and even before I knew myself that I was going.  We reconnected, and oddly enough the next day he was on a plane to visit his parents here in AZ and we saw each other for the first time in ten years...and then *poof* here I was in New York seeing him again!

Isn't life amazing?

He's been hanging out in New York working off Broadway this whole time.  I am wonderfully proud of him and miss him terribly all at the same time.  Dave is one of those people who has a piece of my heart with him...and that's good, because I know he'll take care of it no matter how far apart we are.

And this is a picture of the Slaughtered Lamb Pub.  Dave said it is a pub with the theme of
(wait for it)

Scottish Werewolves!

(there's a werewolf on the sign, but the sun was apparently in the way...silly sun.)

Pretty narrow target market, but there you go.  We didn't go in as we were on our way to The Red Lion to listen to music, but I here tell there's a dungeon in the basement.  With skeletons.

And I thought Whiskey Row was wild...

This is a picture of Kari walking in the subway...we were just about to start our walking tour of New York, only we didn't know it.
We jumped on a whole slew of subways during the day, but we ended up walking down Madison Ave to the Met, and then part of Central Park, and then they were working on Bleeker St. (and some other stops) in The Village and we had to get off of the subway stop at the end of the line at the Brooklyn Bridge...and walk to Bleeker.

That was the part of the tour that took us through China Town, Little Italy, The Bowery (where CBGB is which happens to be the birth place of punk rock music...or rather was, apparently they lost their lease and the landlord asked them to go.  The owner smartly replaced the walls and took the originals with him as they were signed by a whole slew of famous musicians.  HA!)...we stopped to eat at a pub and then rode back to our hotel where we both collapsed.


We also saw Ground Zero.
I wasn't as emotional as I thought I would be.  I'm not sure why this is but not only can you not see the actual site due to all the construction going on for the memorial, but maybe enough time has passed since the attacks and it's not so fresh for me anymore?  I'm not sure.  It was amazing to be down there standing near the site though, and just remembering.

And then across the street was St. Paul's Chapel, which is a pretty amazing little old old old church.  The church housed the people who were part of the rescue effort for 9/11 gave them cots, and a place to decompress.
It is a pretty amazing little place and the graveyard is full of old little headstones...I mean, old like 1700's old.

I also spied this very wonderful old American Seal painting on the wall in between all the 9/11 memorabilia and do you know what it was hanging over?

George Washington's pew.

As in, father of this country George Washington?

Yeah.  That guy.

Apparently he was inaugurated at this church during his first term of President of the United States, and continued to worship here until they moved the capital to Philadelphia.

Who knew?

Seriously.  I stood there a bit giddy with the history of the whole place.

Totally amazing.

And there's 86th Street in all of its subway mosaic glory...
I'm not particularly connected to 86th St. but, I absolutely love all things mass transit and I simply adore the subways in New York...a love affair that started during my first trip 19 years ago, and I was happy to find out, continues to this day.

Plus?  All the tile work is beautiful.

And there's pretty little Central Park.
OK, little isn't the word for it, but we strolled through bits and pieces the whole week enjoying the changing of the leaves and the little bit of solitude in a busy city...squirrel watching.

They also have a zoo in Central Park, in case you're wondering.

A Central Park bridge.

And proof of fall laying among the cobblestones surrounding Central Park.

And one of the many statues that line parts of Central Park.

I believe this one is the angel leading the soldier down Fifth Ave.

OR...perhaps he's my knight (or soldier...whatever, I'm getting older we don't need to get all picky at this point in the game) in shining armor and he just asked directions to Cartier so he can buy me that Eternity Bracelet and win my heart.

Oh yes, I'm totally sure of it...

(I probably should have tipped her)

(then again, he appears to be headless, so maybe she's just more like a guide dog.  Damn.)

01 November 2010

New York New York...

Time Square...at night.  The first night of our arrival.

Needless to say, Time Square is a bit more overstimulating than I remember it being.


A lot more stimulating.

The Plaza Hotel.
Incidentally, we were in New York the same time as Charlie Sheen.  We didn't stay at The Plaza Hotel, so we missed the whole crazy naked Charlie party.

Which may have been more overstimulating than Time Square.

Also?  There's an Eloise flag among the other flags.  I totally didn't realize it until I was walking by sometime later and I was just too hurried to snap another shot.

New York's like that.

It gets into your blood quick.

Tiffany's...and their clock.


Located on Fifth Ave. right next to Trump Tower.

New York Pizza.
I seem to eat very very well on my vacations.

And while this looks fantastic, it's right down the block from New York's top rated pizza...which I tried as well.

Of course.

Rockefeller Center.
Yes, the ice skating was all set up.  Although, the first day of our trip was the coldest...the rest of the days were in the 70's...which means yes, it was warmer than my little Arizona town.  Which also means that yes, I had too many warm clothes with me.


I did not in fact, ice skate.  This was purely Dina's dream...I did actually take a photo of her, but I chickened out.  While I'm young at heart, I all of a sudden worry about ridiculous things like:  If I fall?  What is the likelihood I will break my arm?  Or worse yet, my hip?

My pink cupcake from the Magnolia Bakery...from our Sex and the City tour.
Yes, a glorious three hour tour all over the city which plied me with so many fun facts it left me questioning if I'd ever even watched the series.

On a special note, we did drive by the Puck Building, which made a little special mention as our guide pointed out that the building was also part of another famous series and did anyone know what it was?  Which means that I yelled, "Will and Grace!!"

Because truth be known?

I would have been just as happy to be on a Will and Grace tour as a Sex and the City tour.

We three gals...
That would be me (left to right) Dina and Kari.

Balancing our cupcakes on top of our coffee...which was a special feat because I'd just been inside the Lulu Guiness store in The Village and was a bit over the moon about the entire experience.

Oh Lulu.

You were such a magnificent surprise!

This is a shot from inside Buddakan...the restaurant where Carrie and Big had their wedding rehearsal dinner in the first movie.  It was a pretty fantastic fusion restaurant that we really wanted to get back to...But I'm unsure of how spendy the menu was.

Our tour guide said we'd get a free drink if we went back.

I wonder why we never made it back there?

Good grief.

And some random tall buildings.

Because everything is so gloriously big in New York.

This would be Dina and I...all bundled up.
This also begs the question as I was going through photos...why does it look like I'm leaning in towards everyone?


At least she's not leaning away from me.


That is my FAO Shwarz bag which later went missing.  Oh, I know what you're thinking...some nasty person nabbed my bag.  They didn't.  All the New Yorkers we met were simply delightful...apparently, I'd left the bag to close to the trash can in our hotel and the maid threw it out.

With a special Barbie bag I'd bought Rozz and my Tiffany's boxes.


Oh, I did buy a heart lock charm at Tiffany's by the way.  In case you were wondering.  Also?  In case you're wondering, my eye makeup is darker in New York.

I have no idea why this is...but both Dina and I noticed it.

I, for some reason, have not been able to replicate this in Arizona.

Maybe it's a city thing.

This is a shot of a famous church that I don't know the name of, but probably a hundred people will leave it in my comments.

That's fine.

This is Cartiers.

On Fifth Ave.

Cartiers currently houses the eternity bracelet I want.  But, I firmly believe this is not a gift for me to get myself.  I am very good to me, but this gift?  I'm holding out for someone else to give it to me.

Hear that universe!?

This is the very bracelet your lover locks onto your arm and they keep the key.


I don't wear yellow gold...only white (or platinum I suppose...but there's no need to get greedy)

And I'll end this installment One on New York with this fabulous black and white photo.

Because New York looks so lovely in shades of gray.


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