"...they look exactly like shoes I would make...if I could indeed, make shoes" I then muttered out loud to no one in particular, but to the reflection of myself in the glass of the local shi-shi shoe store down town...eliciting stares from passerby's as they scurried away from the budding cobbler.
My father made me some tiny leather sandals when I was a baby, so I would think that perhaps the shoe making gene is in there somewhere...
The Keens come in several colors ranging from brown to orange, but I had my sight set on the moss green ones...all in boiled, felted wool...
I tried them on when Rich and I were in Flagstaff but, opted to get the Chaco's because I needed a pair that fit better for hiking. I saved the shoes I really wanted for later...plus, Rich wasn't thrilled to pieces with the way they look. I went home and got rid of 12 pairs of shoes so I could justify buying them...

I ran to pick them up on Sunday, and have been wearing them as much as I possibly can...
They remind my mother of slippers, they remind me of shoes that a wood nymph would wear while dancing in the forest (specially with my new Smart Wool striped knee socks...ahem)
And, really...I'm nothing if not a wood nymph.
That's so funny. I bought the mule/clog version of that shoe in red. And I'm anxiously awaiting their arrival so I can do a shoe post. Great minds, darling!
Oh they are so CUTE!!! Must go in search of at Zappos.com. I have a pair of Keen sandals in orange that I got for $30, yes, $30, last winter. I love them.
I would say, and almost did say, Have a good weekend but I realized it was only Tuesday. Dang. It can't get her soon enough.
Ok, so where have I been?? I am 'keen' challenged... I have never heard of them before! Girlfriend, you crack me up with your description of them llooking like osmething that a wood nymph would wear while dancing in the forest.... Hmmm... some how, that sounds very inticing to me... but must I be clothed and shod?? I think they are adorable..as well as your leg wear.... are you too cute or what??? Thank you for the education on 'wood nymphery'...
ahh... fall wear...
is it not the best??
I LOVE crazy, unique shoes like those too, particularly in a really different, cool color, but like Rich, my hubby isn't too into eclectic shoes. He HATED that I had Birkenstocks when we met. Sad that we have to make our purchases to please others sometimes...
Oh, blue dragonfly AND sadira: Dahlings, you do NOT have to "make...purchases to please others..." unless you are purchasing for that person. For yourself, buy what you want! Don't believe me? Ask Granny J, I bet she'll agree.
Can't keep a girl from her shoes! Cute! Ya know, if the Wicked Witch had on THOSE socks, that darned house probably never would have fallen on her. But she had Uncool Socks. Too bad. But what's done is done. Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is VERY dead!
They're adorable!
your sockies! your shoes!
I heart my Keens. I have the purple hiking sandals and a pair of black Mary Jane-type deals, and they are soooo frickin' comfortable.
I don't look like a wood nymph, tho. You got me there.
I love Keens, not that I own a pair. I just ooohh and ahh over them. And I bought some for my hubby last year for his b-day. Your new Keens are so lovely! They look comfy and cute. I'm so jealous! Plus, they look downright FABULOUS with the stripey socks!
My sox with stars outshine your stripey sox, by gum! And, yes, Cat-A called it on purchases to please others!!! By the way, I love my polartec sox because I can wear sandals most of the year.
I own very plain Smartwool socks. Hmmmmm.......
Do tell about socks. I need some cute groovy ones to go with my new mules. And mine came in, ADORE THEM! Technically, they are Rum Raisin coloured, but I like to think of them as Wine... sounds less drunken that way. :D
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