A Package...and a rather large one at that.
It came all the way from SantaFe from a very good friend's slew of kitties...

Yes...could you be a little patient? You have a package for goodness sakes!!
There was a little pile of 3 letters, closed with sealing wax (blue with a kitty on it) from each kitty of the household...each with its own kitty personality (to tell you the truth, we were both thinking that these were very talented kitties, and lucky ones at that...the letters were typed on the computer, and not only does Meena not know how to type, but I don't let her use my computer...although, I suppose I could let her use the HP...but, I figured she was a Mac girl like me...plus, when it comes to heating sealing wax...I don't let Meen use fire either...she can be a little clumsy) and in the true gift spirit, I read the letters and card to her before she could look at the special treat that was also in the package.

Can you see it up there?
A furry stuffed piggy...that claimed to be a "favorite" toy of one of the kitties that sent the letters...
Meena was quite excited (truth be known)and played with her new little piggy for some time...running around the house batting and hitting...chasing and getting herself all out of breath...
Meena is a bit of a wheezy kitty (I think she may have a touch of asthma) and it wheezed her all out.

But, I am nothing if not observant...plus, I've been stepping on piggie for days now, and piggie is always showing up in a different place...So, I know piggie must be the object of some fun kitty game...
Thank you Maggie, Simon and Ozzy...
You've made Meena a very happy kitty girl!
(and I might just have a little girlie-crush on the mama of said kitties...)
Cute story. Boy, dogs and cats sure are different.
Maaaan is yur kitty cute!
wow... lucky kitty!
(and hey! i did nablopomo last year. i would do it again but geesh, comeing up with 30 sounds EVERY DAY is a tall order. when can i start doing repetes?)
OMG this was so cute
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