Have you ever had one of those weeks?
Or those couple of days?
When everything is just wacky fun?
Or those couple of days?
When everything is just wacky fun?

So...first,Friday night, Steven and I enjoyed some Sushi...And then some fabulous frozen yogurt and a short walk around the square!

The Bluegrass Festival is this weekend, so the square was beginning to gear up for the crowds, and there were a few groups of people jamming on the square together!

We then went back to my house for a movie...And watched The Producers...Totally funny...And I loved it! I think I remember seeing the original, but I don't remember it being that funny! Meena was very happy to see Steven again, and lounged around in his lap...panting a bit as it was quite hot!
Tonight, we went to Megan and Matt's for a wonderful summertime party, reconnecting with friends, chasing after a sweet little toddler (so Kate got to eat a hot meal!) and having a general fabulous time. I can't remember not having a wonderful time everytime I've been at their house...I took Megan one of my totes as a little hostess gift (the turquoise one with the birds on it) it was a bit rainy in parts of town, and it had cooled off quite a bit this evening, so it was just perfect!

AND...Since this was such a busy week, I figured what the heck...And found some time to make quite a few totes to take into the shop. You can see...as promised, I worked up a floating fruit salad group...and I really like the way it turned out...which leads me to wonder which bag is my favorite?

Plus, I have still been doing my 21 day challenge walking and yoga (the new skirt I made last week is a little bigger that I thought I made it, so perhaps I am losing some inches?) Rhonna has also been taking a break...And I haven't gotten my journal pages completed for the last couple of days...But I will do them tomorrow as one of my projects for Creative Sunday...And post them then.
Phew...I certainly need my rest tonight...What a week!!!
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