When I was so lucky to have Rusty in my life for that short period of time between Junior High and High School...and, since we lived in the same neighborhood...
We spent a lot of time at my house, and that often resulted in hysterical giggling between my Mother, Sister, Rusty and I. So, it was imperative that we all giggle again together.

We went down to to Thaifoon for a little take-out, and shclepped it over to Sharlot Hall, where we sat and had dinner at a rather rustic picnic table (that had once been a tree by the looks of it, and the size of the splinter Rozzie got in her finger)
Then...back to my mom's house...
Mom had to take care of a little next door emergency involving a sick little one next door to her, so Rozzie decided to entertain us with her brand of being a waitress...

Sleep Pie
Onion Log
Rock Pie
Sheet Cake
Mint Tea
Onion Log
Rock Pie
Sheet Cake
Mint Tea
And proceeded to take a hand towel (that had been used as a polishing rag) off the line from drying put it over her arm...and serve us up some good grub! This consisting of small doll-sized pans of dirt with rather large rocks and leaves inserted in them...The best part of the evening came as she put down a rather large pan with a rock in it, and exclaimed:

"Rock Pie!"
"For the Happy Couple!"
Which made our tummies hurt from laughing (of course, it could have been from all the rocks we ate) we're thinking that macintosh is a much better thing to say that mazeltov...
Don't you think?
Hysterical, and great photos!!!
too cute!!! You are a dish!!!
adorable....where do you live it's looks wonderful and southern
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