04 April 2006

Self Portrait Tuesdays

April Fools! I am wondering as I write this, how many pictures or times I will be able to post for SPT for April...as I am leaving soon (4 days now...I will be up early on Saturday!) So, I am posting a silly picture right now...and will use Italy and Prague as a wonderful backdrop for more silly pictures...and will post them as I can.
This is extreme close up...and where I've been sitting almost all day! I was out early running errands, and ended up back here knitting my little afternoon away. I have been a little out of it because of allergies...tired and sniffly, and I always forget from year to year how out of it and tired I am when I'm having allergies. I had been wondering up until today if it wasn't just a spring cold, but after all of the sneezing these last two days, I realized it is indeed allergies. So, I'm thinking that leaving at the end of the week may be good, at least to get away from the juniper!

I also have to include this picture because it's just too funny! I was experamenting with different shots, and this just spontaneously showed up...I tried to re-create it with better lighting, but I just couldn't get it right again...with that thing balanced right on my tongue!


1 comment:

Rozzilyn said...

Maybe you are allergic to those black lozenges with the holes in them!Sounds like it's time to break out the eyebright/feverfew/boneset tincture.


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