The new year will find Rich and I hooking up the Airstream (well, that's actually Rich's job truth be told...I'm usually relegated to cleaning and organizing, which is fine by me...the large and what I think is a rather scary metal towing thing that needs to be hooked up just right so we don't loose either ourselves or the Airstream seems a bit daunting of a task for me...I mean, I just called it a towing thing forheavensake...when the real name is a hitch towing thingie. Obviously.) and escaping to new destinations. Together. For a vacation.
Did I mention together?
And that we will be somewhere new?
For a vacation?
I am very excited, as I can't quite recall the last time I took the New Year off and went somewhere different, but I'm thinking that it was sometime in college. My holiday schedule at Snap Snap is so wacky, and I often take New Year's Day off...but this year, after discussing it with Rich (and both of our need to take the Airstream and get away) I decided to extend a few days for a treat.
I can't say that I will be sorry to see 2008 go. And I'm still kind of wondering if 2008 will go out kicking and screaming seeing as it behaved a lot that way during it's stay. 2008 was a year that was full of many challenges for me. I also had millions of little things to be grateful for and joyful about, but sheesh...there was a lot of other stuff as well. Perhaps with more time it will look differently? Often while reflecting, things don't seem as critical do they?
Don't worry, Meena is being taken very good care of...with some live-in kitty care...
And I'm bringing the Mac, so that you will get a front row seat to our latest adventure.
I've packed everything all up that I think I will be needing, and have ended up with 3 bags...well, 4 if you count the camera bag. And, um 5 if you count my travel sized purse. I thought I'd be all sneaky and pack my clothes in a smallish bag (because smallish is good when traveling in an Airstream) which was a fine idea, except my toiletries don't fit, and the bag doesn't close and seems to be oozing outfits...and the Mac along with the external hard drives and all the cords and chargers and for all of the other electronic gadgets? Forget about it...
I'll see you on the road...
Happy New Year to everyone...
Here's to hoping it's a good one!