Rays of winter light peeking through the window in the bedroom.
Light illuminating treasures and collections...With the past few days during the holiday bringing welcomed clouds, rain, sleet, fog and hail...making it extra cozy to be tucked inside under a quilt, reading or knitting...or finding myself in the kitchen cooking...or even the cleaning and dusting...it's beautiful to see the sun making it's way back to us...finding ways to come into the house and brighten dark corners.
Allowing Rich and I to make plans to hike locally today.
Light illuminating treasures and collections...With the past few days during the holiday bringing welcomed clouds, rain, sleet, fog and hail...making it extra cozy to be tucked inside under a quilt, reading or knitting...or finding myself in the kitchen cooking...or even the cleaning and dusting...it's beautiful to see the sun making it's way back to us...finding ways to come into the house and brighten dark corners.
Allowing Rich and I to make plans to hike locally today.
In other news: My personal email is changing yet again. There was a security breach this weekend, and Rich was forced to change our email server...I didn't want you to worry in case you tried to email me and something bounced back to you or whatever it would do in a case like this...ahhhh, you can see how technical I am now can't you?
Amidst the snow and clouds today the sun came out for a bit...Now there's a cute little wren peeping outside my window...just chattering away...
That security breach stuff is just awful!!! Poor Rich!! Send me an email with your temporary/new one so I can write cha back!
Molly, sorta getting into the holiday spirit maybe!
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