And, in all its glory too...
I used the exact same color yarn as the picture at Knitty, because I'm totally loving the green in a big way (As a matter of fact, I can hardly keep anything green in Snap Snap this season) I also went and bought the pale pink that Kate was using for her pair for a second pair for myself...because according to her, the cable pattern shows up much better in lighter colors...
I tend to agree.
Both Kate and I sat and knitted our first right hand fingerless mitt together, in case we (or more specifically, I) got stuck anywhere. She's been telling me how easy it is to cable knit for quite some time, and I have resisted like crazy. But...she showed me this pattern, and then I sort of got excited. You see...NuttnBunny made me some amazing fingerless mitts, and I've been enjoying wearing them so much during the spring, and hiking...and well, everywhere for that matter...and I've been watching her make several pairs over at her site...wishing that I could make some, so when this opportunity sprouted up, how could I resist?

Crab Nuts.
We shook our heads as we met back at the yarn store on the morning she left...so we could spend more $$ to finish them up (probably only 200 yds too.) I've decided to try knitting the pink ones a bit longer down the arm...because I already know that I'll have extra yarn...and this cashmere/wool/microfiber blend is both easy to knit with and amazing to wear.
It was kind of crazy that we ran out of yarn on Saturday, the day we bought it (only we knitted late into the night and by the time we realized we weren't going to have enough, it was too late to go back to the store) and because of the 3 day weekend, we had to wait several extra days to get said yarn...
Double Drat...

I was a little nervous making something for someone I adore so much because there's a bit of knit lore that they will then break up with you...but, my mother informed me that it only applies if you knit them a sweater.
Besides, I took them over to the Airstream, and he tried the one that I've completed, and he really liked it. And, at the rate I'm knitting, the other one will be done today...and then I will start on my pale pink pair...
I heart the cable in a big way.
and then you can start knitting me a pair....hint*hint!
Seriously though. They are just amazing! And they do look quite difficult, although I'll take your word on the "cable knitting is not that hard at all..." thing.
Oh, and I'm really into creamy colors these days. You know...in case you were wondering. ;)
Green is popular this year, isn't it? I've found I've purchased several things in blue/green or green. Hmm...
As for folklore and the like, I hear you. :D My clan is terribly superstitious. My brother gave really lovely knives to all the groomsmen and it's a Southern curse thing that if you can't accept a knife for free, or you'll die by that blade. So we were all coughing up quarters. :D
I need you to teach me to cable. I totally suck at it
omg, those are awesome. I knit but have never tried a cable. That cocoa brown is deelish.
Adorable! Maybe I'll dig out my cable needles and try again.
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