Because weekends seem to be just as busy as the week around here...I keep thinking that I'm going to be able to sleep in, or rest and relax but to no avail.
Saturday was spent catching up on a million errands (because working during the week is really cutting into my free time to do things like that) and then the afternoon was spent with the D-Man...introducing him to Rich, having a bit of lunch and a hang around...You see, the D-Man is once again off and running, and I'm not exactly sure when he'll be back...soon I hope.

You see, Rich was planning on moving to a much larger site on Sunday, and we were planning a fun bar-b-q to welcome him to the better space...
Well, the people that were occupying the space pulled out quite early, which had me packing up all the goodies and hopping over to the Airstream to help with the move.
That usually means I kind of stand around and sort of direct Rich...he's really good at moving and backing the Airstream in places, and doesn't usually seem to need my help...but there I was with flapping arms and all.

I helped sweep up the new outdoor carpet, organize the little rocks that were all around...and organize the outside. I also suggested it might be nice to unpack the flamingos finally...he hasn't unpacked them yet...and I thought it was high time! I mean, we all know that flamingos and Airstreams go hand in hand...besides, I've been dying to see the little guys all set up...
(I also happened to get him some outside lights including flamingo shaped ones that he can put up for the summertime in the trees at the new site)

Zora is a whole year older since the last time she was here, and was raring to go hiking in the rocks to find lizards...
I remarked to Kate how wonderful it is to have digital cameras in this day and age, so that little ones could take pictures and you didn't have to stress out about "wasting" film...Of course, Kate and Lee are both talented photographers (Lee took almost all the pictures at my wedding) And, true to her heredity, Z got some great shots of us as well...

Z also totally shredded up the mountain! The girl is a rocking hiker...which doesn't surprise me as I've been on a few hikes with her mom and dad, but it seemed like most of the time she was up ahead of us yelling,
"Be Careful!"
Kate said it's because she was always yelling it out to Z, but I think maybe it was because Z happened to be listening to us huff and puff our way up the rocks...

There was one point when we left the boys up taking pictures why we leisurely made our way back down, and Z stopped at the base of a rock cliff, looked up pointed with her little hands and said,
"I want to go that way"
"No...I don't think we can..."
(says the adult in us trying to talk some sense into this baby mountain goat)

I don't doubt it for a minute little one...I think this girl needs some rope and a climbing harness...
It was a lovely day, moving, organizing, almost napping...enjoying the large new space for the Airstream, wonderful weather, visiting with friends...eating great food...taking pictures of a beautiful little girl (does this child take a bad picture?!) and some other great people as well...
fabulous photos there sadira!!! You've got a knack for the portraits. :)
I don't blame you one bit! That sounds (and looks) like a winner of a weekend.
What an angel!!!! Just adorable!!
I know what you mean about needing another weekend to recover from your weekend. Sheesh! I'm not used to so much activity. My ideal weekend is to stay up sorta late Friday night watching tv, sleep moderately late on Saturday(til at least 7:30), then cooking breakfast and drinking coffee. Starting a project or farting around with a craft or the kids, a sandwich for lunch and a nice dinner. Sleeping later on Sunday and doing the same. That is about as much as I can handle. Or hiking where you are, now that looks like a lovely day out.
we had a blast.
You got some good ones of Z, that's for sure!
She passed out in the car on the way home.
I just uploaded some of my pics to flickr, including a few of the pics she took (our portrait).
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