21 February 2008

Hello Snow...

Last night there was a storm of large proportions. After watching the skies all day, here was rain...here was lightning...here was thunder.

Then, last night when I drove home from the Airstream, I found myself in a snow storm as well...I haven't driven in snow like this since living in Flagstaff...it comes down out of the sky straight at you, and is totally hypnotic if you look directly up into it, yet it's almost hard not to...

Waking up to a winter wonderland was fun. The colors today outside were all black, white and gray...but the skies were totally blue in select places...So it was like stepping out of the house into one of those vintage hand colored postcards...

And, now looking outside, the gray cloudy skies remain, yet the snow has all melted away and the roads are dry, and it hardly looks like it snowed at all last night...

Which makes it even easier to appreciate all this winter...


TomboCheck said...

one place the snow will stick around for a while is up in the hills. Which is just a great reason to go hiking!! :)

Unfortunately, the storm covered up a total lunar eclipse, which i was really looking forward to. Oh well, life goes on.

Carol Dunton said...

what a beautiful winter wonderland! how surreal! I love the picture! lucky girl! : )

Anonymous said...

That's just lovely. We've had a week of sunshine, kinda. Which is also nice. I like the snow and the sun, but the rain. . . not so much.


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