In my big plans for this last weekend were one's to get out of town and change my scenery for a bit of time. After taking Honey in for a routine oil change Thursday and getting back a bill for $400+ (due to needing a new serpentine belt, and a new water pump because the old one had a crack in it...which by the way, would have ruined the engine (which makes me still go into the what if place) and a colony of mice/rats made a nest in my cabin air filter...oh yes Virginia. They did. I am now worried that the car repair is going to be a lot more due to the fact that I may have the Hantavirus because all the "fresh" air was being infused with mouse droppings...and may I apologize to anyone who rode in Honey with me the last few months? And hey...at least we know what that funky smell has been...) (oh, and there was also a nail in the left rear tire...which is nothing new if you've ever driven in Prescott, you know there are nails and screws all over the roads here...actually, I once got a metal fork stuck in my tire. Then again, I've always been totally scared that was intentional...) I decided to wing it at home instead...close my eyes and pretend I was somewhere other than there.
Instead, a good friend came over on Sunday for pedis and lunch, so I decided that I would have a special treat when she got there. I almost ran out for mini two-bite pupcakes, but decided it was Sunday after all, and the lure to sit on the couch and drink coffee was to strong, so I thought I would make some oatmeal cookies instead. I happened to have an Organic cookie mix I picked up somewhere in the pantry and I thought I'd put some dark chocolate chips and pecans in and really do it up...Now, normally I'm not a cookie from a box sort of gal, but waste not want not...and besides, they were organic...
What could possibly go wrong?
Possibly, some kind of misprint in the directions on what ingredients to add on the box? Because I thought the first batch of cookies looked a little crumbly going in...but decided that I would try to bake them anyway cause you never know, and ended up with something resembling chocolate chip pecan granola instead.
So, I thought about what to add to to the crumbly mix to make it more moist? I put in another egg instead. I'm not sure if that was necessarily a wise choice...
While it did hold the cookies together, it made them shiny.
Kind of like big shiny chocolate chip pecan omeletts...
(not the greatest cookies...but it makes for a darned nice picture!)
Instead, a good friend came over on Sunday for pedis and lunch, so I decided that I would have a special treat when she got there. I almost ran out for mini two-bite pupcakes, but decided it was Sunday after all, and the lure to sit on the couch and drink coffee was to strong, so I thought I would make some oatmeal cookies instead. I happened to have an Organic cookie mix I picked up somewhere in the pantry and I thought I'd put some dark chocolate chips and pecans in and really do it up...Now, normally I'm not a cookie from a box sort of gal, but waste not want not...and besides, they were organic...
What could possibly go wrong?
Possibly, some kind of misprint in the directions on what ingredients to add on the box? Because I thought the first batch of cookies looked a little crumbly going in...but decided that I would try to bake them anyway cause you never know, and ended up with something resembling chocolate chip pecan granola instead.
So, I thought about what to add to to the crumbly mix to make it more moist? I put in another egg instead. I'm not sure if that was necessarily a wise choice...
While it did hold the cookies together, it made them shiny.
Kind of like big shiny chocolate chip pecan omeletts...
(not the greatest cookies...but it makes for a darned nice picture!)
They are shiny!
But hey, they helped you get in touch with your inner food stylist. LOL!
They look great to me!! I'd have come over for pedies and cookies! : ))
oh dear. I feel as though I should make you some cookies and bring them up
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