12 February 2006

Sunday February 12th...

Today's Participants:
  • Audree
  • Chelsie
  • Cody
  • Sadira
This was a fun Sunday...After what seemed like a long time...(and looking back I realize it's been 2 weeks since we've had a Creative Sunday) Audree, Chelsie, Cody and I gathered together again!I made this bag from Simplicity pattern #4391...I was waffling between a messenger bag, a laptop bag...and made kind of a regular purse for myself in the end! I just got this fabric from Cia's Pallette...and think it's the funnest sushi fabric
This is a close up showing the geometric fabric I used for the lining I really enjoy the way it compliments the bright colors in the sushi fabric...(notice the lovely inside pockets as well!) I was looking for white fabric with oriental writing on it...but am excited about the way this turned out even more...(I can hear my mom's voice in my head telling me how much easier it is to keep the darker colors from looking dirty...hi mom!!) I also fell in love with the ribbon I used for the side straps and the shoulder strap...It isn't as heavy duty as nylon webbing...but I liked this sooo much better! The only issue I have with the bag is that it is so deep, and I keep loosing my wallet in it...but at least I can carry everything I need!
I have quite a bit of the sushi fabric left over and am contemplating making a matching cell phone bag and a special bag for the other love of my life...my iPod nano!

This was the weekend that Cody, the resident computer genius, set up the Blog for me! Yay Cody!! I didn't take any pictures of him on the actual day...both of these pictures were taken on Valentine's day at my mom's house (our "romantic" Raw food dinner...just the 4 of us...Cody, Rozzie, my mom and me!) Yes, among all of the other things my mom does...she eats an all Raw Foods diet...it was beyond delicious!

Cody is drinking Chai tea and "fixing" the blog. This is due to my insatiable curiosity..."what does this button do?" Well, Sadira...it turns everything black! So, in the words of my fabulous sister I yelled "Oh F!!!" and then proceeded to cry on Cody's shoulder until he could fix the problem. Cody gently reminds me that the more mistakes I make, the more I have a chance to learn about the computer! I need to remember that the computer and the blog are just another creative process...using a medium I am not familliar with.
So you'll be happy to know that we're still not sure we fixed the problem...so it's always fun when I publish my page, to see what will really happen!

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