23 August 2006

Creativity Exercise-a-Day (2)

Ok...It's beat the clock time, because the countdown to project runway has started (half an hour!) but, I need to post (don't I?)

For today's Creative Excercise-a-Day I was really excited because upon visiting Amazon.com's home page, there was a little blurb about Zach Braff, and his new movie The Last Kiss...and even more importantly the soundtrack! Which is already out, with the movie following next month. I have a serious crush on this guy Zach...Yes, I know he's only 31, but that's not too far off my age (and the crush is somewhat rivaling the crush I've had on John Cusak...I know, more my age...sigh) The thing about Zach is that he plays these really just weird characters...something I have been known to be attracted to, but since I don't seem to be living in Hollywood, I'll support his career by far and buy his soundtracks and see his movies instead. And, since today's challenge was to crank up the tunes and create, I bought this soundtrack from iTunes as a treat for myself, downloaded it onto the Nano...and burned a CD for myself. It is amazingly wonderful!! Just as good as Garden State, I think...I turned it up in the store and re-did the window (I also cried a little bit, because I've been doing that a lot lately...and the songs are just so good) I did not happen to have the camera with me...so you'll have to believe me when I say that it's inspired...in fact, I already sold something out of it...the true test!

I also carried my creativity farther and went to Amy's house tonight and cooked dinner for the family. The menu was: Summer spaghetti (spaghetti with olive oil, Parmesan, fresh garlic, basil and tomatoes...Served at room temperature for a nice summertime pasta) A lovely salad, some garlic bread, and The Hazelnut Romance (of course)


fresh apple pie!
(yes that's Ellen's amazing harp in the background!)
sigh...I don't look as though I should be eating any of that pie, bleah pictures of me!

OH...sign update...I hung my new blingy signs today at the shop and I heard a little girl say, "wow...Look at her new sign...I love it!"
I'm a hit.

1 comment:

Jolene George said...

Oh my gosh! I love fresh apple pie....alamode of course. :o)


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