Mama's Project:
- Mama
- Rozzilyn
- Me...Sadira
Mama's Project:

Spinning...Yes, she "hauled out" her wonderful spinning wheel, set it up, with a little help from Google (it's been 2 years since she has spun anything!) She's taking a "little break" from knitting. The large ball next to her, that she is feeding into the spinning wheel is prepared and readied Wool (from a sheep...Yes, she can spin other fibers...I believe the little pink spool to the right on the wheel is soy silk!)is called Roving.
We found that after we broke for lunch, she was having a hard time getting back into the rhythm...So, I realized that I forgot to put the music back on...And although she's spun in silence before...Today she needed the techno beat to spin!
We found that after we broke for lunch, she was having a hard time getting back into the rhythm...So, I realized that I forgot to put the music back on...And although she's spun in silence before...Today she needed the techno beat to spin!


Worked on learning how to use a typewriter...Practicing her fingering placement. I remember how important this class was for me when I learned (I swear it was the best class I took in high school)
She wrote a short story.
She wrote a short story.
And lunch today consisted of all these yummy organic veggies with guacamole (my special...throw everything in it...olive and tomatoes...garlic...yummmm!) With the star veggie being that amazing purple bell pepper!

Not only was it beautiful to look at...light green in the inside, but really tasty!
My Projects:
I managed to whip up 3 more bags, as I noticed that I was down to 2 in the shop...And I can't have that!
2 have kind of fallish colors (not intentional...weird) and were made from various thrifted sheets...and the plaid lining was a piece of linen which I realized I may need to make a pair of fall capris out of...
I managed to whip up 3 more bags, as I noticed that I was down to 2 in the shop...And I can't have that!
2 have kind of fallish colors (not intentional...weird) and were made from various thrifted sheets...and the plaid lining was a piece of linen which I realized I may need to make a pair of fall capris out of...

And, one bag that is very colorful, but the fabric is so wonderful.
A pink day of the dead pattern with gold...
A pink day of the dead pattern with gold...

drum roll please...
Quilt Update...

I was so proud of myself, I almost cried...I really love the way it turned out! I had to modify the way I did the border (that showed up on the back) because if I continued to quilt it out to the edges...the red thread showed up on the white polk-a-dot and looked quite awful!
drum roll please...
Quilt Update...

I was so proud of myself, I almost cried...I really love the way it turned out! I had to modify the way I did the border (that showed up on the back) because if I continued to quilt it out to the edges...the red thread showed up on the white polk-a-dot and looked quite awful!

I am feeling so accomplished.
So, we ate a dessert picnic on it...
with the monkeys!
with the monkeys!

Who ate and played nicely...

But...I think the sugar got to them...
Because, they got a little out of control!

So, we made them go inside...
All except this one, because he was OK...
AND, if anyone wants to come over for a picnic, let me know...
I'm ready now!
I'm going to have to stop giving my stylist Sundays off!
Sounds like such a fun, productive day. Congratulations to you all on your beautiful creations.
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