07 September 2006

Rain Rain...Go Away...

OK...Purely for selfish reasons. I did get the bid in for the first landscaper that I talked to and the savings of going with him will be about $1,200. So, I'm treating myself to new gutters as well (yay) The gutters have been on the house since I've owned it, and they're not doing that well...So the gutter guys are coming tomorrow.

It started hailing/raining again earlier and I rushed home from my mom's to preliminary flooding down in the "problem area" So, I got out there in the pond that was happening, with a metal hoe...And dug up some more trenches...Yes, with lightning all around. I felt like Captain Dan (from Forrest Gump) I know, probably not the safest plan (other than some sandbags and some ducks!) but I had to do something because the water was pooling up by the back door again...I may have solved a little of the problem...Time will tell

Keep your fingers crossed.

UPDATE: It was just raining like a mutha' and no more water pooling up by the back door (phew...for now) I need to go rescue Ms. Meena from under the bed...she seems to be deathly afraid of thunder...poor sweet baby kitty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of you during the downpour...as I also was daming (damning) up my basement! I hope all is well.


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