30 April 2007

...Oh, Thank You...

Such a lucky girl am I...so many friends and family, so much life/Birthday love...and what better way to express my appreciation but to drag out the piles of ephemera, cut, snip...and rubber cement my way into a high...I mean, create a pathway to my gratitude:

They are only dreams-
they come to fetch the thoughts that
you posses a grateful heart. The Raven entered the first salon which was of purple colored satin-here the dreams were rushing around again more magnificent one than the other, much of which resembled a life

When the little dwarf heard he was to dance, he was so proud that he ran among the white rose in an absurd ecstasy of pleasure and clumsy gestures of delight.
The flowers were quite indignant at his daring.

They came to the mountain where the rainbow rays of the colored fringe reached into it

Festivity and merrymaking followed, for there was much to be told and many announcements to be enjoyed in this happy age.
The princess and often youthful ruler was sitting and talking over old times.

The dama-fruit like a peach, makes you invisible.
The fruit is the most delicious thing that grows, and when it makes us invisible, the bears can not find us to eat us. So please sit down and eat as much as you like.


I ought to be a fairy
for to be just an ordinary fairy is to be lucky

The young man knelt down and put her royal foot on his head; he bedewed the ground with his tears; he was frantically in love with her.
For the most part, her Majesty walked among them quite unaware of the problems her beauty was causing.

Before them, the clouds stopped and circled around them like a corkscrew.

And many thans to you also; all that read this little blog...and for your sweet comments. It is wonderful and humbling to know there are people who check in every day. It would also be nice to receive comments from everyone who does...I'd love to know who each and every one of you are, and yet, I understand how nice it is to be anonymous too.
So...for all that leave a comment this week, I will put your name in a little hat...to be drawn out at the end of the week,
AND you will get a special little surprise...
if you don't have a Blogger account or I don't know how to get a hold of you, please leave that information as well!
(One, or more comments a day will = one entry)

Because...One should give thanks where one is due, don't you think?


(Most of the above images were taken from the book, Little Dorothy and The Wizard of OZ, and before you get too upset...I promise that I do not regularly go around ripping up valuable vintage books, but focus more on books that are somewhat thrashed beyond value, that way I can give them new life)

27 April 2007

What I Need...

...To be woken up sweetly
and greeted with love...

Kissed and cherished? Sung to? Gazing deep into the eyes of a lover? With a text message from a dear one? Drinking freshly brewed coffee poured into a mug that greets me with the words Good Morning in every language in the world? Drawing and luxuriating in glorious bubble bath as a treat to myself every morning?


With a little heart on my screen door...
a gentle reminder from the universe that I am loved...
isn't it lovely?

Isn't life amazing?
every day?

Or...you could turn on the computer and do what Joleene mentioned in a post the other day...if you type in your name followed by the word needs into google...you get all sorts of wonderful suggestions for what it is you may be lacking...what you may need in your life...And even after waking up everyday to a new surprise I decided to give it a go. Since my given name, Sadira is quite unusual...I had to go with my nickname, which is Sadie.

Sadie Needs:

committed family (luckily, I have that...)
a secure 6 ft. fence (gheeze, people trying to keep me away from them?)
help and she needs it fast (sometimes the sooner the better...)
to find a new home (Wait...I lOVE my home)
a patient home with a family who can earn her trust and help mend her broken spirit quality (yeah, that's what all the therapy's been about, right?)
attention and training (well, there are a few more things I could learn)
chicken breasts (hmmm...)
a high level of structure in her day and also has had low muscle tone since birth (hey now)
consistent love and patient attention (doesn't everyone?)
someone to help her make decisions (Ok...not as much as I once did)
to be loved unconditionally, treated gently, allowed to trust you (yes...trust builds slowly!)
to "Jingle All The Way" through 2007 (better than "jiggle" all the way)
status as a three-legged cow (wha...?)
to be with her boyfriend right now (true...I ask the universe everyday to send him to me!)
to temporarily become personally vulnerable (I try to be open about what's happening in my life with everyone)

And a little something I don't need...

doesn't need a muzzle or mind altering drugs (Well, some days I do need both...thank you very much)

So, I suggest you try it yourself...see what it is that you need, and try to get it this weekend...


*I'm off to a hot dinner date tonight

*Book shopping this weekend with Ms. D
(we're looking for a new book my darling sister recommended...How To Spot A Bastard By His Star Sign ahem...research for a new website we want to create and launch, which can only lead to soup and salad at The Wildflower Bakery...they have the bestest Caesar salad, of which I am a connoisseur...with these great mushrooms in it? Oh, heaven on earth!)

*Visiting my new Cell Phone
(still saving for it, and waiting for my plan to allow a discount)

*And organizing things in the house...getting ready for a yard sale at Ms. D's neighborhood block sale in June...

Out with the old...
In with the new...

26 April 2007

Corners of my home...

...and no, this will not be a picture of my fierce anything dancing to any kind of music...

(and, we can all breathe a sigh of relief)

This picture is taken in the tiny hallway in the middle of my home...The wall of shame (that would be family pictures) is directly to your right. I recently acquired the vintage hourglass shaped mirror at the top of this picture at a thrift...I was a bit sad because you can't see the sweet etched flowers at the top (or the fact that a lot of the silver is wearing off...but, I have an affinity for thrashed vintage mirrors, yet another thing to put on the list...) as I couldn't get the picture at a good angle without falling backwards into my bed (and some days once you get up and out, it's better not to tempt fate and tumble back in) or becoming a contortonist (something I would love to be, but no amount of yoga really prepares one unless one it double jointed does it?)

After acquiring said mirror, I decided now would be the perfect time to hang the little mirror on the bottom left as well (little nothing, this thing weighs a ton, and I'm praying it doesn't come crashing down on my foot as I pass by it. It had previously been sitting on the floor...and has the sweetest little green glass knob on it as well...it was a door in it's previous life you know) and the mirrors now reflect the gentle twinkling of the lights that hang on the canopy of my bed...Plus, the composition of the two mirrors makes for the most whimsical cutting up of my body when I look into them...I tell you, some days it's like living in a fun-house around here!

you can tell by the red polka-dot Mary-Jane Campers I'm wearing...
kind of clown-like aren't they?
...hey, they matched the polka-dot shirt...
what do you expect?

25 April 2007

The Panty Report...

No need to go on for the feint at heart...

I didn't think I would do anything about panties...ever. But, here I find myself, typing away...giddy, of sorts. I think one of the most fun parts about being a girl are the undergarments, the lingerie...

the lace.
the silk.
the bows.

And need I mention all the varied materials? Let's put it this way...Victoria's got some secrets, and most of them have found their way to my dresser.

Last year alone, she kindly sent me so many coupons for free panties that I didn't have to buy any...
of course, that didn't stop me.

When Dina and I were down in The Valley for our weekend, we were tempted yet again...

She sweetly found these gems...by Miso Happy, at Urban Outfitters, for half off the sale price...

Boy cut, and with two of the cutest birdies I've ever seen...and I'm having a hard time not saving them for a special occasion (whatever that means) or cutting out the birds and sewing them onto a tee-shirt

And then Dina surprised me with these gorgeous ones as an early birthday present...

Look at the butterfly skull wearing the rhinestone encrusted crown...

For that royal/skull/pirate/rebel that lives inside all of us...

And the best part?

The word Fierce on the butt...

I mean, come on...


but, fierce? Oh dear...this was one of the more hilarious moments of the weekend, and every time I see them, I burst into laughs again...

But secretly?

I dance around the living room in them to loud music...
Like Cameron Diaz in Charlie's Angels...

secrets out!

24 April 2007



Is it this natural to be this excited about one's new car?

(the dear ones new name)

Oh dear, I am now sitting around making up reasons to go somewhere...

just to drive.

And here I was, sitting in front of the computer (well, to be fair, the computer was sitting next to me) while trying to watch a movie, and I thought I would just sneak on to see if I could find a dashboard cover...and that led to accessories...and then the end of the movie.

I didn't even look up to turn the DVD player off.
It's serious.

I don't believe I've enjoyed a car this much since my VW Bug in high school...whom I loved dearly (my theory is that Volkswagen's tend to be like a soulmate...as they take on their own personalities) But, I have some advice to seek...I would like keyless entry. Very much, in fact, and I am torn (you see, I like the idea of flashing tail lights as I walk through the parking lot. I can't tell you how many times I've already walked by the car, and haven't seen her, and then gone into a panic because I don't quite remember what I'm looking for...and then sigh with pleasure and relief when I finally remember, and find her...I may need a little extra help for a bit. I guess it's been a while since I've had a new car to look for) I went to Best Buy last night to look at the systems they had, and I can either get keyless entry with an alarm, or keyless entry with auto-start. I can, of course, get all of it on a deluxe system, but it comes with the largest key-chain I've ever seen, and I don't think that I am quite that committed to carrying something that large around.

  1. So...If I may ask, what do you all have?
  2. What do you wish you didn't have?
  3. And what do you wish that you did have?
No hurry...I'm gonna' have to save for it anyway, seeing as the specialness of the model is going to cost me extra to install it...

and so it begins...

22 April 2007

Happy Earth Day...

I started my weekend off by relaxing totally...which may be a fancy way to say, I was not invited to any raging parties on Friday night (Ok, lets be honest, that's the first time I've used the word raging not connected to a headache since I was in my 20's) and that's quite OK, because I decided to pamper myself with a pedicure and a long leisurely bath instead...as you can see, Ms. Meena approved. It was quite cold and windy this weekend, just perfect for kitty-snuggle-on-your-lap-time.

And, to bed a smidge bit early and up early again to go to yard sales...where I got this lovely little vintage glass Shilling Onion juice jar. And yes, this was the highlight of my sailing experience on Saturday...I adore it (I know, weird) and I wasn't even aware anyone made onion juice...

I am wondering how handy exactly onion juice would be? Whatever would you use it for?

For now, it's going to be sitting here next to the lovely red kitchen aid...

in all it's little onion splendor!

And, then I spent a large portion of my day at the Prescott Honda car dealership in town...test driving Honda CR-V's. Any of which I could dearly fall in love with. Why do we insist on doing that with our cars? I had a great knowledgeable friend go with me, which helped give me the confidence to persevere and negotiate. In the end though, I was not willing to go higher than the budget that I had set for myself (I am glad!) I know I could have, but I have been saving for a year for this purchase, and I didn't feel comfortable over extending myself quite that much...

besides, I have insurance to think of still, right?

At the end of the negotiation for the Red CR-V (the one with the moon roof?) I knew it wasn't going to happen at the price I was willing to pay. I would have loved to buy that one...I wasn't in love with the color of the interior, as much as the dark blue one I drove, but that one was not recommended by the master mechanic we took it to. I was feeling a little like I needed to jump into the throes of despair, when the salesman suggested I try the Toyota Rav-4 in the lot. It had just been marked down, was well within my price range (ridiculously so) and with the older body style, one that I was interested in driving.

So, I did.
Oh boy.

This thing is sporty, quick...and all time 4 wheel drive. Something Honda and Toyota both share in these models. Which means, I am now driving a car that is smarter than me, and knows how it should be driving whatever the weather is.

Look what I took home at the end of the day on Saturday:

A 2002 Toyota Rav-4

Vintage Gold with the factory gold package (which means the trim and symbols are gold), a roof rack, and are those new tires I see? why yes, they are...the inside color is Oak and is immaculate...one can even remove the back seats entirely...which are fully adjustable for each passenger (and can be totally layed down or removed)...a CD and tape player (damn, I think I just threw away all my tapes, but don't worry as this car has several extra power outlets throughout it so I can indeed plug in the sweetie tiny Ipod) and Toyota makes the most adorable cup holders (yet another reason to buy a car) this car comes with quite a bit of little storage places. The engine in this thing is super clean, and when my mechanic pulled out the dipstick, one could hardly see the oil on it...it has been well maintained, and a one owner to boot. The inside lights and dials are orange at night, which I think is super spiffy (another reason to buy a car) It does not have a moon or sun roof (which I was disappointed because all I've ever wanted was a sunroof with wheels, but for an extra $6 grand, I didn't think it was all that important really) or an alarm system, but I know I can save up and get an alarm installed at some point (or at least a remote start with keyless entry thing which is really not that much) It also has a lot less miles than I wanted on a used car as well, and the car I've been envisioning myself in since I started saving a year ago...
I think it was really meant to be...

Honda gave me a great price for my trade in, And...I checked the Toyota out at Edmunds.com, and got a smokin' deal when all was said and done! It was so close to what I expected to pay, I will not be making any payments what so ever...not even when I pay for that nasty insurance. This is the first car I ever bought from a dealer, and I am so happy (plus, I got a tiny boquet of flowers...daisies, my favorite, and a gift certificate to Murphys!) I keep glancing over my shoulder at it, sitting there, all shiny and new in the driveway. In addition to all the manuals, I got about 15 extra keys, why they had so many I'll never know, but I'm thinking maybe I'll give them out for Christmas next year...or put one in each purse I own so I will never be locked out...I'd better not be at any rate.

I am so proud of myself , and was sitting in the dealership realizing that getting rid of the Trooper is the last tie to my Ex (as this was his grandmother's car) I opted to get new license plates even...and start brand new on this beauty. So, I'm thinking that I'll be spending most of my Sunday reading manuals for the new car...testing out keys, and figuring out exactly what sticker to put on her (and of course, what to name her) I do have a little Celtic static cling (like colorforms? I actually sell these at Snap-Snap ) picked out already.

Doves - among many mythologies the dove appears as feminine symbol of soul, wisdom, re-birth and harmony. In the ancient world the concept of harmony was close to healing. Like ravens, doves were perceived as oracular birds...and the attribute of Venus, goddess of love (paraphrased from the back of the packaging) And there are the words Peace on Earth written in 7 languages around the edge of the sticker...
Doves hold a special meaning for me, as they hang around the house in flocks...and anytime that I am going through particular rough patches, not only do they sing me awake, but follow me around throughout my life...truly amazing (I noticed it during the last really hard part of my marriage, and it continues to this day)

So, this is perfect, No?

20 April 2007

Wrapping It All Up...

Well kids-O's...this is the last Big Weekend post...are you relieved?

Or are you amazed by the fact that I actually managed to take 5 days to relive what only took 2 and a half to begin with?

I am...
then again, we are known to be great storytellers in my family (at least we think we are! And isn't it enough to know that you're a legend in your own mind...really?)

The first two pictures are of me...in that cutie little skirt I bought for Easter...and I had to take with me, because it's fast becoming one of the most favorite things I own and fun to wear to boot!...I'm sitting on the bed waiting for Dina to be done showering...and looking at all the latest fashions (Is it me, or do these look a little 1940's to you? Not that there's anything wrong with that...indeed)

We started out this day by checking out of the hotel, sigh. We then headed to Last Chance, which is the Dillards outlet...oh my. I usually can stand to spend about an hour in there because not only is it located in a basement, but it's a crazy-frenzy-free-for-all. All of the shoes that were size 9 and above were half off...I can wear some 9's, and did find a brand new pair of fabulous pink tennies for only $14! I also managed to find a few more items as well...Including a pair of black leather wedges that I could spend all day in...

We then hustled up to The Sugar Bowl Ice Cream Parlor in Scottsdale...this is Bill Keane's restaurant (the man who draws Family Circus) a lovely old-timey soda parlor...where we each indulged (hard to believe isn't it?) Dina with a root beer float, and Me with a vanilla malt. I love vanilla malts and will not usually pass up the opportunity to have one...

And then it was off to our very first visit to IKEA. Well...it almost killed us because it was so very big...but it was grand! I managed to find a new duvet cover and pillow cover set for only $10 and the most amazing heart shaped red rag rug (kind of a heart themed weekend wasn't it?) which I threw down in the bathroom as soon as I stepped in the door. I am so in love with this rug that I wish I would have bought about 3 more for my bedroom...and to think that I almost talked myself out of it! Now, I'm trying to figure out how to get back down there and get more...

And we wept when we went to their little restaurant...it looked absolutely amazing and here we were totally full from lunch still...even though we walked around for hours! We did manage to force down some apple cake/pie thing and lingonberry mousse...all washed down by Swedish coffee. So see...we need to plan another trip down if it's just for rugs and food (oh, I will justify won't I?) And I know it looks like Dina is the only one eating, I'm right there with her...I just have a hard time taking pictures of myself (you know, with all the food and everything) Then we got in the car, and headed up the hill...we were too wiped out to even make it to Trader Joe's, as heartbreaking as it may seen...so close, yet so far (then again, by that time we'd spent our monthly food budget on shoes...so, we'll look good, and be thinner! See how that works?)

And there you have it...the trip in a nut shell (sort of)
I hope you all have a great weekend...
It looks as though we will be enjoying 59mph winds, and a little snow and rain...
But, right now I am going to go enjoy one of those crack laced pupcakes my mom made
(I know...can you believe there's any left?!)

19 April 2007

The Power of Five..

Sorry for such a late post yesterday...I had a million things to do, and hit the ground running as soon as I woke up, went to therapy, priced a gazillion items at the shop...ran to Costco, delivered various things to various people from shopping, and finally sat down with Dina for a little R&R and car buying talk...as I am looking to exchange the car I'm driving now for something that is new to me, and since I've never done anything like this before...I am feeling a little nervous. I'll keep you posted...

But, for today's post, I am "stealing" Velvet Bricks post title...is that legal?
(I should also be stealing her group picture, because I think it's better, but that's another story!)

After such a lovely day of shopping and eating...we decided to eat some more! Now, it should be mentioned that as the sweet girlie girls we are, our room by this point, is littered with shoes...all sorts of shoes...because one never knows exactly what one will be doing, and we certainly must have the right footwear! And poor Dina, she could wear each pair of shoes for about 2 hours, then we would both notice a little bit of a slow down due to blisters and general wear and tear on the feet...but, sometimes it hurts to look this good, right?

After forming a fun friendship with the hostess of Velvet Brick for some months now, including a jar of home made lemonade sweetly delivered to me at the shop as a surprise one day, and followed by a ton of emails...Dina and I were both excited to meet the whole group when we were visiting in The Valley at a wonderful restaurant called Nando's...where we sat on their outside patio and laughed it up for a long while!

It is so wonderful to get together with a group of women, one who took a risk and started contacting me through this blog. Carol and Dina and I have quite a bit in common come to find out...and I feel so blessed and lucky that the whole group could connect and have as much fun as we did! We all complained of sore sides from laughing so much...and since we were sitting in the front of the restaurant, I would like to say that we did not scare the other customers away with our giggling, but made it a welcome place for them that evening.

Thank you again ladies, this was truly a highlight of this amazing trip...and I am looking forward to hosting people on the patio of Foolsewoode sometime this summer...because as Carol put it, "I love your glass balls (she does love all the yard decor I have) but, I covet your chandelier!"

18 April 2007

We Shopped Till We...

...well, had to stop and freshen up to meet good friends for dinner!

We started at Urban Outfitters, as it happened to be conveniently located across the street from the parking garage at Nordstrom (how thoughtful) We'd actually come across it the night before driving around looking for parking for the speak easy...of course we were so excited we were about 5 minutes early, but then it did give us time to look at all the displays and scope out exactly what we were interested in (always nice) We each got a lovely bag of goodies...you see, they happened to be having a half-off all women's sale garments (whoopie!) I personally got 2 lovely tees, a sweetie pair of panties, an amazing black silk dress, and some monkey head toppers for my keys...always a must.

We then ventured into the mall and made a beeline for Tiffany & Co, where I indulged to the fullest...

...then on to the other places. There were so many exciting sales...I got this lovely green top, and was slightly worried that I would not have a chance to wear it this season, but I'm in luck...I forget from spring to spring how cold and windy it remains after it teases us with a little bit of warm...

We stopped at Victoria's Secret for all things womanly and delicate...plus they have the largest VS at the mall ever! That, and I'm horribly addicted to their panty sales...

And, what's up with Louis Vuitton exactly? I mean, we popped in to see what was new, and everything in the store looks like a knock off...why is it so expensive?

We stopped by Sephora as well...Ok stopped by is quite a silly thing as we totally immersed ourselves in the ultimate girl playground for quite some time. You see, I have never been into a Sephora (and was I missing out) Like Dina said, the angels sing sweet songs of love and beauty the moment you stroll in...and then the fun begins. The wall of perfume, the racks of indulgent amazing make-up, and all the accessories in between...I was after some fluffy water-proof mascara, but fell instantly in love with Urban Decays Big Fatty Mascara...with hemp oil no less! And then onto Smash Box for a pot of glitter black eyeshadow...something I've been after since December, and we originally started planning this trip...and the sales lady was so sweet sneaking in a little sample of Philosophy's new fragrance sample into my bag...and I am sorry to say Dina did not actually receive anything sample-ish, which was odd because she bought WAY more than I did...of course, she smells heavenly now (not that she doesn't usually) from her new shi-shi perfume purchase...

I was having an almost fainting fit by this time (either it was the amount of $ I'd spent, or hunger kicking in) We opted to try to fix it with food, not wanting to take back anything good...

We went to P.B.Loco Cafe...where we practically ate out weight in gourmet peanut butter sandwiches!

We both had the PBBLT: sun-dried tomato PB, bacon bits, lettuce & cream cheese on toasted bread and split a Loco Coco: Dark chocolate PB, raspberry jam & coconut for dessert...as you can see, each sandwich came with a handful of animal crackers...It was a wonderful meal, and the selection is really great...and while it may seem crazy, we both agreed not only was it good now, but may be when/if we ever are pregnant...

The rest of the day was spent browsing around the mall...trying not to buy too many things (yeah right) but after our trying on frenzy at Anthropologie...we definitely needed coffee...we treated ourselves to some lovely frapps with cookies...

Mmmmm....the perfect pick-me-up for the rest of the afternoon!

At the end of the day, we headed back to the ole' Indigo, and got ready to meet friends for a lovely night out...

We spread all the shopping bags and goodies out to see the fun damage we did...

It was an amazing day!

17 April 2007

Opening Boxes...

Thank you so very much for all the birthday wishes...It was a lovely day (which I will get to in a moment, because I know how much you've anticipated the lovely blue bag...and the sweet boxes)

A while ago, as I promised, during the trip to the Valley, that I would be buying myself a surprise...a special gift if you will. Well, as Dina and I had been planning this trip since...oh about December, I had quite a while to contemplate what exactly that special gift would be....

First, for a birthday gift for myself, I bought a sterling double heart necklace (it is a new design, and isn't on their website...I am so sorry this picture isn't clear!) There is a large heart, with Tiffany & Co delicately engraved on it...and in the front of it is a smaller heart...they hang individually on a 18" sterling Tiffany's chain...

...which looks lovely on me...as you can see! I excitedly carried the bag around for as long as I could possibly stand it, and then opened my little boxes as we sat down to lunch, so I could wear them for the rest of the day...You know, since I've been waiting so long to put it on.

I actually had wanted to buy the Return to Tiffany heart necklace, but totally fell in love with this one...

...and then, as a special reward for myself, I got the Return to Tiffany sterling bracelet...I think I will explain as well as I can, the meaning behind this gift.

About 2 years ago, I started a divorce from a man, my husband and once love, that I had been with for 12 years. I never wanted to do something like that (as I think most people don't when they meet and marry a person) Since starting that process, I have begun an incredible journey...one that I wanted to mark in a special way.

I thought tattoo for a while...a lovely meaningful armband...yet, I haven't been able to really decide on the perfect design...

So, I thought, how about a different investment? Something I could also look at every day, and be reminded of how far I've come...a heart, for the one that I have left in me,

that still beats,
and still loves,

no matter what I've been through in this part of the journey. I am so in love with this piece of jewelry (and have been wearing it to bed every night even...there's something lovely about the sound it makes as I turn over in my sleep) and I have always wanted something new from Tiffany's (I have a bracelet that is in my collection, but it was not new to me) To go into such a wonderful store, and be treated with such kindness...no matter what you buy, or how much money you are spending is truly a gift in itself. The gentleman who helped me, was gracious and patient, as I tried on so very many pieces...then he sweetly wrapped everything up....hand tying the bows...cutting the end of the ribbons...you feel like a princess by the time you walk out of there. Oh, the elegance...plus, although I have always wanted someone to buy me something (preferably with diamonds) it was a great feeling to do it for myself.

As we walked out of the store, I started to tear up a little bit, for the girl I was...and all that she's had to give up, and for the woman I am becoming...and all that is and all that's coming into my life.

And, I hate to do it, but I'm going to have to interrupt the Phoenix trip to write about the birthday celebration...

I started the day with many phone calls that continued throughout the day...and a friend brought flowers into the shop...and another brought in a Joann's gift certificate...

I ended the day with a little party that included my mom, Rozz. my grandmother, Dina and Niko, and My Pal Amy...my mother made these amazing black forest pupcakes...oh the sweetness was incredible...plus, next to carrot cake, this is my favoritest cake ever!

I donned my special dress (after I got home, as it was freezy today...yes, it was snowing at some point) I also bought this for myself for my birthday from Anthropologie...

I had a hard time between the one I bought, and this one...they were both amazing in their own separate ways, but the one I bought was the better of the two...

for now...
I have a watch on the black and white one

You know, for when it goes on sale?

And there were so many lovely thoughtful gifts...an entire pedicure kit complete with foot bath...a gift certificate for waxing at a local day spa (watch out Carol!) a set of quilted boxes to store my heirloom china from my grandmother (that is currently in the basement in a cardboard box...thank goodness she can't work a computer, as she would have a heart attack if she knew that!) an amazing box of vintage fabric and doll clothes from my father, and a ton of other stuff...A huge bag of goodies from mom, including another gift certificate to Joann's, an amazing book on altered hand bags, a Bunnykins bank, and the yummiest candle ever...and my grandmother gave me a beautiful sterling bracelet that looks like a tiny belt...is totally adjustable and compliments my new Tiffany bling quite well...

And, let's just say, there's a huge pile of lovely things that all have their place somewhere in the house...

You know, when I get around to putting it all away...

perhaps after I was the pile of dishes in the sink...

And now, off to resting and recovering from such amazing greatness that has been in my life...

Thank you all so very much...

(I will be back tomorrow with more about the trip...
can you tell I'm enjoying dragging this out?!)

And, if you want a little preview of Saturday night in the Valley...
feel free to visit Ms. Velvet Brick

16 April 2007

You Say It's Your Birthday...

...Well, It's My Birthday Too!

Blushing and quite excited actually...not really though, anyone who knows me knows how much I like to have fun. Plus, being an Aries, I sometimes enjoy being in the spotlight...although, there was a large part of my life that I didn't actually like being sung Happy Birthday to. I don't know why, but it made me quite embarrassed and uncomfortable. Of course, after The Rozz was born, and started to enjoy birthdays, with the candles and all the singing, I had to suck it up and stick around for it (you know, and not run screaming from the room?) that's why it's so important to have kids around, so that you continue to do things you don't like...I mean, so you do things that stretch you and challenge you to grow in ways you'd rather not...I mean heal.

Anywho...I will be enjoying much singing and eating of cupcakes and party going this afternoon after I get home from work...

And, can I say how lovely it will be to go back to work? I feel refreshed and energized and more creative and beautiful and dynamic after the trip to Phoenix (and a little taller too) We had an amazing and incredible time...Shopped until we dropped our tired bodies into the car on Sunday (and actually left The Valley and got home at a descent time...without, I'm sorry to say, going to Trader Joe's...after IKEA though, we couldn't quite muster up the energy...of course, I just spent my food allowance on um, shoes...ahem)

I'm not exactly sure how to present the amazing weekend, so I may just do a bit at a time if that's OK with you? We started the weekend out on Friday...after texting quite a bit all day, we finally hopped into the car. I think I already told you how excited we were the whole way, feeling surreal and amazed and pinching ourselves the entire way down there...We found the hotel quite easily, and that cacuts montage thing? Totally amazing light up at night...and as promised, we could see The Fashion Square from the hotel (although we didn't have a view from our actual room)

The room was truly lovely...all done in browns and blues, a kind of Danish Modern thing happening, with a flat screen TV...a European style shower (with a rain drop shower head, or something lovely like that) There were silly little haiku's on everything from the key cards to the little signs all around the room, and as we walked into the room someone had put on a CD of fun music to welcome us...and the little player doubled as a clock and I could plug the Nano into it (since I had certainly brought it to listen to, as Dina's new car is all Mp3 ready too...oh the technology is staggering) This hotel was super swanky and fun! (make sure you check out the carpet in the hallways on the pictures below...I am a carpet person, which prompts people to sigh in disgust and roll their eyes whenever we go to Vegas...because I spend most of the time exclaiming outloud, "oh look at the carpet...just look at it!!") Our only complaint was the fact that the lighting in the bathroom, while beautiful and stylish in a large round mirror and chrome thing was totally fluorescent.

Which was bad.
Very bad.

We looked horrible.
Very horrible.

...and had to continually remind each other:

"Don't look at yourself in the mirror..." because one look and you would see things that were truly awful. We were not well represented in the mirror.

We tarted ourselves up...I mean, freshened up nicely to go out on the town to Mailee's Thai Bistro on Main...for what was an incredible dinner experience, as always...with the most lovely flirting. Oh, as I said before it's so very new to me to feel comfortable doing this, but I'm thinking with practice that it will get easier and even more fun (wink wink...see what I mean?) We were invited to try Kazimierz World Wine Bar, which was a little speak easy around the corner from another cutie restaurant Cowboy Caio right in Old Town Scottsdale. The entrance is at the back of the building, with no signage at all, only a little plaque outside the door that reads "the truth is inside" Oh my, it's dark and charming, couches all over...all stone inside, and the most wonderful mix of world music. We had fun...

and that is really understating the fact. We discovered our new signature drink...a Lemon Meringue Martini (lemon vodka, cream, a dash of fresh lemon juice and a dollop of meringue on the top) Oh yes. yes. yes. yes. We are totally committed to figuring out exactly how to make these, and will publish our recipe soon! More flirting here too...oh did we feel like beautiful ladies indeed. I didn't even know this kind of thing goes on in big cities...I know that sounds naieve, but I don't think I've ever been that open to being this relaxed within myself. Does that make sense?

Needless to say, we um went back to the hotel at an um...descent hour...to be well rested for a full day of shopping...

And, here's a little teaser for the up and coming Day one...

Oh...how to express the amazing feeling of walking into

Ready to buy something...
Being treated like a queen.

Then the joy of carrying around the signature blue bag.
Glancing down at the two individually wrapped,
and sweetly tied blue boxes inside...

The anticipation of unwrapping them...

gently retrieving the jewelry...

and wearing it for the rest of the day...

for the rest of my life...



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