Oh yes, I was feeling the love this year...I'm telling you, people were coming out of the woodwork to wish me a Happy Valentine's day...
This lovely pile of presents from my mother:
Including 6 candles, a small notepad, 3 glass hearts (which were hung on my bed immediately) 2 organic chocolates...plus some outrageous vegan, wheat free, refined sugar free treats (always a wonderfu switch from the refined sugar types of stuff) and a lovely handmade Valentine from Ms. Rozz! All stuffed in the incredible heart shaped pillow, with the pocket in the back, which I immediately said, "looks like Zakka!" that my mother made from an old sweater...
Then a package from my father, containing these 2 sock beauties!
When I came home from work, I found this sweet little surprise pile by the door...a lovely card from my friend Amy (she's a card kind of gal, so it's always a treat to open an envelope from her) complete with some sock monkey socks and a Monkey Love book. We both adore sock monkeys of all kinds...I hand delivered one of my Valentine's to her yesterday morning, and she loved it so much, that she said she could probably sell them in her card store. That made me feel all sorts of warm and fuzzy...so, I may be going into card production mode soon (wow...a real live artist)
A good friend stopped by the shop and gave me a handful of chocolates because he was worried I wouldn't have a Valentine (little did he know) Lot's of emails, and comments from family and blogging friends...
A huge dinner out with the D-Man, Dina, and my special little Valentine Niko (who sat next to me...and generously shared his chocolates) A little bag of lovely goodies from Dina...complete with a pair of her handmade ear rings to commemorate the 80's, I feel like Madonnna in them! (my special art from her is still drying, and I am excited to get my hot little hands on it...but I'd rather not stick to it) Also, you'll notice the large and wonderful vintage pin that says "cocktails anyone?" I adore this pin...although, I am wondering if wearing it would make someone think twice about actually giving me a cocktail? No matter, it's still a fabulous pin!
I was able to give her the Valentine I made for her...and darned if I didn't bring the camera to document it, and I totally forgot to take a picture of it before, so you'll have to wait to see it. She's the one who helped put the fire under my behind and get me crackin' on the creativity (16 cards in all I made to give away...OK, after the 5 I kept for myself)
...And a special phone call from someone who is close to my heart to wish me a Happy Valentine's day...
I was especially touched by the fact that so many of my friends and family hand-made their sentiments to me. One of the recipients of my cards said, "I haven't gotten a hand made Valentine since grade school" It's wonderful in this time of I gotta' buy flowers and candies and jewelry and stuff...that we can connect with our own tallents and make gifts and make gestures that mean more than any store bought gift...I guess I had forgotten that when I was at the mall drooling over all the candy stuffs and jewelry the other day
(oops, sometimes I buy into all the societal programming, you'll have to excuse me, and I hang my head in shame for that)
And if you really care to notice...I did actually get all the chocoalte and jewelry, it's just so much more meaningful when given this way...
All in all, it was quite a special and surprising day, and I can't remember the last time I had such a lovely and thoughtful Valentine's Day!
A huge thanks to everyone who made it that way for me...
Dang girl! You cleaned up this year! :) Look at all the love and goodies!
Thanks again for such a fun night out...and the AMAZING valentine, and chocolates! You're the sweetest!
We didn't end up at the game. Niko crashed out on the way home to pick up the tickets. Poor sleepy kiddo. That's what too much pizza will do to ya! Hope you guys had fun at the Raven. Let's make a plan for a Bin 239 soiree soon.
Wow! I'll say it again... Wow! What an amazing Valentine's Day haul you got! Such sweet, thoughtful gifts, too. Sounds like it turned out to be a lovely day after all.
I am so glad that you had a good valentine's day. My good dear friend Nadia made me a great sock monkey out of a white and black striped thigh high stocking. I'll have to send you pictures. I am very gald to know you are doing well!!
LOVE all the gifts you received! You got off really well! This sock monkey thing..could it be a thing of the 70's? I had a monkey and an elephant that my mom made me when I was young...then received a really cool one later in life from Mom that she found in a store, probably in Prescott. He's in a dark box in a closet somewhere, poor guy. He may have to take a trip to Prescott here really soon....
You got the COOLEST FLIPPIN' Valentine's gifts. Holy macaroni.
I have a sock elephant too, Suz. And loads of monkeys, of course. I was wearing my s.m. jammies last night too.
See how loved you are??? You have so much to be happy about! :o)
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