03 March 2009

A Whole Lot of Nuts...


There's been a lot going on around here...including the vacuuming of the ceilings I'll have you know (it's the dusty spiderwebs that are doing it) I have moved furniture away from walls, gotten on my hands and knees to vacuum under things that are too heavy to move (my shoulder already hurts from the repetitive motion that comes from moving the vacuum back and forth) I have organized, sorted, put things in piles, bags and boxes to get rid of or put away...I even went through and culled a button box (which may sound a bit crazy, but I have 3 or 4 button boxes and that sounds even more crazy to me, so I took a large bag of buttons to a new home yesterday) And, I haven't even started on the downstairs yet. ugh.

I have also
been preparing for an upcoming camping trip this next weekend...and I am kind of worried about the now cloudy and colder weather coming our way. We're going to a lower elevation, but I'm really not wanting to camp in rain.

I just got the first season of Pushing Daisies from the library, and have fallen in love with how adorable it is. The sets, the colors, the cast, the costumes and the dialogue is all fantastic...I took it over to Megan's yesterday and we giggled through a couple of episodes.

And I've been mulling. Mulling over ideas, and situations in my life. I have so much to say about it, but oddly...I can't seem to put it into words here. I think maybe it's too private? I know it's a horrible thing to admit that I'm mulling and then not fess up...but I don't know how to right now. I can tell you that nothing ever has an easy solution does it? And usually, once I find myself thinking that I have a handle on what a solution may be, the entire thing shifts under my feet. Historically, I'm more of a do-er and right now, I need to be a sit with it-er (I'd really like to be a get this out of my life-er and mind-er) This sitting with it is somewhat uncomfortable (and honestly, feels like it's been going on since November of last year...which is resulting in either crying from the "seriousness" of life, or breaking into laughter over the "seriousness" of life) because I can't shut my mind off and I feel like I think about, or obsess about the things going on in my life. Which sometimes leads to bad sleep...and confusing blog entries.

Good heavens.

It's Nuts.

I'm practicing
taking lots of deep breaths and not looking to far ahead. I'm practicing getting to a place where I can be clear with myself. I'm practicing appreciating the happy moments in my life, and realizing that no matter what gifts you possess...sometimes you just flounder around.

And I'm also practicing looking forward to Dina and I getting together this Wednesday...

Maybe I'll just occupy my mind with that.


TomboCheck said...

Currently Wickenburg is slated for highs in the mid-60's with partial cloud cover, but not expecting rainfall until tuesday.

If it changes we will roll with it, because you know... we are flexible. :)

Let me know if you find out how to be clear with yourself. I'd like to get there one day as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm quite bad at sitting with things, too. In fact, I've had that wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night thing for the past three nights, and it's making me crazy.

Sometimes I wish I could take my brain out at night and put it in a jar by the side of the bed. I don't see why if you can do it with false teeth, you can't do it with brains.

~Molly~ said...

(((((Sadira))))) Hang in there!!

Try some yoga or qi gong along with the deep breathing, it does wonders.


Heidi said...

The mulling over thing? And trying to figure out where it's leading you? And feeling stuck?

Reminds me of the stuff Havi Brooks says on her blog (http://www.fluentself.com). I think you'd like it.

Anonymous said...

While you are mulling and cleaning, if you need someone to listen... I'm a phone call away!

Don't forget to take a break with a hot cup of tea.

Anonymous said...

I love Pushing Daisies. Hate that it's gotten the ax. and the bowler is seriously cool.

You've been quite industrious. I think that brings out a lot of thinkin', ya know? Hope you're able to sort through things.

Suzanne said...

Sitting on it is really hard..it is! I've had to do a lot of more of that now as a mom, with little, if any time to journal or spend time thinking about little things I need to process (or big things for that matter). I'm learning that sometimes the solution isn't right there at hand, and actually, within a few days, I realize too, that the situation isn't really as big of a deal as I thought...that my emotions were just out of whack at the time. It's all good...just hard to wait through. I'm with you, my friend!

Chickenbells said...

You guys crack me up with your wonderful insight and observations! Thank you so much for the kind words...

TomBo - I will blog about getting clear with myself when/if that ever happens!

Tammy - I totally agree with you! That's an almost better solution than and off switch...I would also like to explore the idea of an ignore button, like the one I have on my cell...

Molly - I've been working my butt off at the gym, and of course it helps!! Yoga tomorrow...

Heidi - Thank you for the link! I will check it out...

Phyllis - Thank you...I forgot about the tea break!

Mary - I was thinking that I may have stirred up a lot while cleaning and organinzing...

Suzzane - I TOTALLY know what you mean. Sometimes when I wait, it may be hard, but other solutions present themselves...and certainly things sometimes do not have the same intensity of drama than before!! Thanks for reminding me...

sulu-design said...

Vacuuming the ceiling is exactly what I'd be doing in your situation. When I need to mull something over, I clean. I hope that your cobweb free ceilings have brought you clarity!


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