Mushrooms seem to remind me of Gnomes, and I find myself looking for little red pointed hats popping up in the yard as well.
I even thought of leaving little red pointy hats out for the neighbor squirrels to wear, but's not the same is it?
I'm also looking for any evidence of the mushrooms growing in a little fairy ring in the yard...
but it doesn't look as though they've been dancing on the lawn during the night either.
I am concerned, as I seem to be lacking in the magical creature realm around here.
I did wait as long as I felt I could, until the mushrooms started to dry out and die, and then mowed them all down as the lawn was looking a little scraggly.
So, if the gnomes and faeries show up they'll have to bring their own mushrooms...
Yes the rain has brought some amazing things. Can you believe that I have grass in my back P.V. I haven't seen any gnomes though. -T
during our first year at our house we got lots of rain. and we got these NASTY bright yellow mushrooms with red dots. they looked really cool but you could tell they were really poisonous.
I'll bet those magical creatures are just being really sneaky!!! They've been there, you just haven't caught them!!!
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