I just knew there was a reason I cleared out the studio...
Didn't you?
Oh yes indeedie...I snuck myself into JoAnn's this weekend under the pretense of looking at stencils for all the ephemera projects I have scattered between here and the shop...
A likely story don't you think?
Where Dina, Niko and I wandered around in the fabrics...because well, um you just need to do that in a fabric store...And we came upon this delicious lemony fabric...which I am absolutely dying to make a skirt out of. The green plain fabric is fated to be a large band at the bottom and a little matching waist band at the top...(loving those designs and I keep seeing them at Anthropologie, and there is a part of me that feels a bit...how shall we say...guilty spending the dough on something that I know I can make in a couple of hours for much less)
I will be using a Built By Wendy pattern in the Sew U book...and for all those people who are tired of listening to me gripe about not being able to tailor things to my own body (and for all the skirts I now own with a myriad of different safety-pins strategically in them) you'll all be happy that I am attempting to figure this stuff out (you know...without going to UTI)
This fabric with a large cat on it!
Ok, kidding, but don't you think that Meena has wonderful taste? She just parked her furry butt on this fabric and looked at me like...Ok what you gonna' make me?
Nothing my dear kitty...it's all for me!
I did indeed first see this fabric over at Kandeedo Bandeedo...and swooned quite heavily (yes, I have indeed been known to fall out of my chair amidst the squealing that comes out of my mouth when I covet fabric)
And I am just anxious to go back and get them all, because it made me a little weepy to even find them much less leave some there (does fabric effect anyone else this way?) there are 3 more designs, well, actually 2, but in different background colors.
What oh what to make?
I think a bag to carry my work stuff in first of all...all quilted and whatnot...and then?
I was thinking of a quilt...
A baby quilt.
A baby quilt.
I keep thinking that at some point I will indeed have children (time constraints be darned) and although it was pointed out to me sometime this weekend, by an admirer, that if I make a Day of The Dead baby quilt, I may have to pay for some serious therapy for said children.
Sock monkeys and classic Winnie The Pooh aside...
We must all go to therapy for something,
don't you think?
don't you think?
the heady, intoxicating effect walking into acres and acres of pristine yardage has on one...
love the fabrics and the cat!!
oh, one more thing... damn not having the funds or your address...was at Target last week and there..on the clearance shelf, was a set of flannel SOCK MONKEY sheets!! can you believe??? : )
Ohhhhhhh, Kandeedo is going to die!!!! Joann's is the best! So glad you are learning the details... Those things just are not for me at all, I am an UN-teachable... Oh well.... It is so hot here!!! I am seating!!! I am in my white gown in the garden, watering... I need a shower now.. Why did I tell you all of that??? Love ya darling lady!!! xxo, Vanessa
Love the lemons! Good for you for making up your mind to tackle the details of a skirt. I'm no good at that kind of stuff either. Good luck!
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