10 October 2006

What'd You Got?

Last week was a good week for fun mail and lots of good surprises and thrifty goodness!

I received my package beautiful fishy ear rings from Susan! Not only are they amazing and look fabulous on me (pictures to come soon) but the wrapping was exquisite! I didn't want to open them...yeah right. One of my friends was in the shop when I got them, and she oohd and aahd over them, and was inspired to wrap her holiday presents differently this year! I am excited too, to hear how her trip to Portland was.

Then, Dina who was running a smidgy bit late...came with the barrette bribes to your left. I about fell over. Apparently she's seriously into vintage hair accessories right now. Lucky me! The first words out of my mouth were "are they vintage?" Holy cow, yes they are. On their cute Little "donos" cards...with rhinestones and everything. I don't know how she could bear to part with them...She asked the question on her blog how could she be so lucky to have gone out with 2 good friends 2 nights in a row? Well, I'm asking the same question right now...how could I be so lucky to have a friend that would give me these wonderful gifts? And in answer to her question...it's because squirrelfriend, you are so fun to hang out with...cheery, silly, generous, and up for most anything! I am just thinking of a million times when we've laughed and laughed until we cried...good friends are an amazing thing. People you can share all your funny quirky silliness with...inside jokes, personal references that make sense to no one else...and I'm happy, as always, that I get to share the journey with people like her! I have a couple of wonderful friends...My Pal Amy and My Squirrelfriend Dina. Notice too how I have reserved those special names only for them...only one Pal and one Squirrelfriend!

OK...I also found this lovely little vintage red floral doll dress, and just as I was lamenting that I did not have a doll...I remembered my troop of naked sock monkeys. I am wanting to make outfits for all of them (a huge undertaking) so, this may be cheating a bit...but for a quarter, I'm OK with that.

And are those polyester floral 1960's thigh highs? Why yes they are! Not for any monkeys but me...99 cents!

And this incredible metal floral...and indeed red, not the orange it looks like...cake and pie carrier. The pie, or whatever, goes on top. I don't have one exactly like this...my mother found it, and let me buy it for my little collection! $7.20 (it was on sale...hehehe!)

I'm working on some living room surprises to be unveiled later this week...stay tuned!


sulu-design said...

Yea! I'm so glad that the earrings arrived safely and that you're enjoying them. They're so much fun to wrap up - I'm happy that you liked the packaging. Wear them in good health!

thatgirldina said...

Awww! you are too sweet Sadie. Reading this post made my day! Smooches!

and LOOOK at all your fabulous finds! those stocking are fantastic and the cake carrier, though cute in photos is even more wonderful in person!

Please accept my sincerest apologies for not ringing you last night. I'm fighting what I believe is an ear infection, and took advantage of the fact that Niko was asleep at 6:30, by crawling into bed myself.


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