15 March 2010

Right Now...This Weekend...

People often and quite randomly ask me what I'm doing.

What are you doing this weekend?

What's going on?

And usually when I fess up, those same people often say, "wow...you have a busy weekend!"  Almost. Every. Time.  I never thought I stuffed more things into the weekend than anyone else...and I usually treat my weekends as a time to get caught up with friends and activities I enjoy doing.

(which doesn't include housekeeping thankyouverymuch)
(OK.  Sometimes it does...)

This weekend was peppered with a whole lot of baby...which is fine by me.

There was a photo shoot planned during a dinner with Megan and Edythe.

And a one year old celebration with my friend Jen and her daughter...

And you know?

The weekend with all of its hustling and bustling was just busy enough for both of those things and a impromptu run to Target to check out The Liberty of London goodness, spending time with my friend Melissa thrifting and eating, helping my friend Sean decorate his apartment and watch a movie, finish up a lot of laundry, and cooking some fantastic Cincinnati Chili...


Just busy enough.


Tonya said...

Wow, you were busy. Those babies are so beautiful and Megan looks just amazingly beautiful.

Suzanne said...

Can I have that recipe for Cincinnati chili, puhlease? I'd never heard of it or had it until I went to Lexington, KY. Crazy stuff, and yes, you do always seem to have so much going on, yet so much fun stuff!


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