14 November 2007

Summer Spaghetti...

Well, I broke down and made a glorious meal for my own darn self last night...I abhor cooking only for me (I know I shouldn't, but I do...I mean, yay for self nurturing and all that business, but I take bubble baths whenever I want...isn't that enough?) I think it's a psychological,

"I'm single...how fancy...cooking for myself? So I can eat alone? Ugh."

But, the pure love of summer spaghetti totally won out over the "looser" quality I feel sometimes cooking for only me...The tastes of fresh basil, garlic, tomato...combined with Parmesan and olive oil just send me over the top...it truly does. After delving into Gluten-Free girl and remembering just why I shouldn't be eating gluten and wheat...is making me choose foods that have good strong tastes instead, you know, so I'm not all sad and clingy about the things that make me crash and burn and feel icky after I eat them?

Summer Spaghetti is usually served room temperature or cold (yes...a light pasta you can eat during the summer...hence the name...clever isn't it?)

*Boil your pasta (I use spelt spaghetti...I know, a little gluten...but I am trying to use all my spelt up before I switch to rice pasta...which is also good) Sometimes in the past I used angel hair pasta because I get all sorts of impatient waiting for this to cook. Run the pasta under cold water to cool it down, it's your call with how cold you want it...I like room temp myself.

*Transfer pasta to a bowl, and toss with olive oil...you don't need to drown it...just make sure it's all nice and shiny (it helps the garlic and Parmesan to stick to it...this is very importantt...you don't want a coagulated lump of cheese in the bottom of your bowl...ewwww)

*Slice up 3 large cloves of garlic and dice all tiny (now, you can adjust depending on how much you like garlic...I personally don't believe you can never have too much garlic) I run the garlic through with my hands (cause' I like the way it feels...I also stick my hands in the bean container at the grocery) saving about a quarter of the garlic.

*Then you add the cheese...I use that Veggie Shreds pictured up there (cause' of my lactose problems. They have a really good 3 Italian cheese blend that is out of this world, my local Safeway carries it) or you can use regular Parmesan...I always like to have a little bit "fresh" extra that is grated (not powdered or whatever you call the stuff that comes in the can) the for the top...Ok, now here's the trick...I have made this a million times, and the right amount of cheese is key, too much and it's dry and salty, too little and it doesn't taste like anything...I just add it until it looks like enough (lord, I know...I should measure...but I fly by the seat of my pants a lot when I cook, maybe a half cup if you use a small package of pasta? Just add it by the quarter cup and see where you're at taste wise) You can taste it along the way...

*Cube a tomato...throw it in there, reserve a quarter of it...mix it in...

*Cut up your fresh basil, you can either cut it tiny like you would for pesto...or cut it up right straight from the leaves...only FRESH will do...seriously, you have to trust me on this...I cut up a ton of leaves...cause' I love me some fresh basil...reserve a quarter of it, toss the rest in and mix...

*Take the quarter you reserved of the garlic, tomato, and basil...and throw it up there on the top...sprinkle with the fresh grated cheese (cause' it makes it all pretty...and we all love to eat pretty food...even if you're the only one seeing it)

I always have enough left over to take to work for 2 extra days...unless someone else is over eating with me...then I make more, so I have enough left over to take to work for 2 extra days (see how that works?) OR...you can just call me and come over for dinner, because you can watch me make it...and I love to cook for people...I ate mine last night with gluten-free sesame bread sticks (holy lord...I just found out they have pizza flavored...eeeeek! Wait...I just checked with Rich...he said, "not as good as the sesame" And did you know I just got lost in the labyrinth that is Amazon.com...and they have ton's of great gluten-free foods for a darned good deal!)

So, if you make it, let me know how it turned out...

I'm drooling now...so, I'll go eat the stuff I brought for my own lunch...

Things I am Thankful For:

That while it is challenging to make things that work around my food allergies...It is easier now days than it was before. I am so excited about all of the alternatives out there...and I love food, and I love to try new foods and cook with new foods...Plus...the availability is more widespread than it was before, or you can order it and have it delivered right to your home!

Beautiful money...old money...money as gifts...and the chance to touch it and see it...sounds weird I know, but old coins (American and otherwise) are so amazingly more beautiful than the ones we have now days...Plus...it was made out of real valuable metals...how cool is that? Oh...and shiny, shiny is good...

New and wonderful people coming out of the woodwork to participate in Pay it Forward...introducing themselves to me...some long time readers that I've never "known" before...Thank you so much for introducing yourself! In all honesty...not only did it make my day but, it made me feel a little like a celebrity...

Which means, of course...that I'm ready for my close-up...


Anonymous said...

It's good that I've just finished cooking dinner, or else I would have run to the store to buy the fixin's for that yummy recipe of yours. Oh, that looks so gooooood!

Carol Dunton said...

How good does this look???? OH girl, I have a nice bottle of chianti in the frig...I'm on my way over!



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