Only in this day and age...
Could I get a text message from a dear friend yesterday...
Who was in labor.
With a baby...
She whom had been flitting in and out of my consciousness all day. You see, she was a week overdue and was going into the hospital early in the AM for her induction (I am still unsure as why the doctors feel the need to induce unless someone in the pair is in danger) Apparently she had been up since 2 AM all excited about meeting her newborn (I can only imagine what she is like on Christmas Eve...I know, to this day, no matter how tired I truly excited I get about giving presents to people...I do actually loose sleep over it) unfortunately...with that kind of excitement, that not being able to sleep kind? It makes for quite a long day...especially if you're expected to give birth at some point (I would only imagine)
4:04 PM November 6:
Suz: Water Broke on Own!
Me: Yay! I am so glad! I hope everything is progressing well...
Suz: :)
Me: Wow! That fun, eh?
Suz: Starting to get ouchie
Well, I would guess so. Good lord, I mean, I love that I have been included in this pregnancy with her...she's been keeping me in the loop the whole time (she's a bit far away) I guess it was just a bit of a shock to be chatting with someone via text message while that person was in the hospital giving birth to their first baby...I told her to hang in there...I mean, I was a little at loss for words...
Picture yourself riding the wave of a surfer...up and not get sucked under it (my mother's description...not mine)?
I think I make a better labor coach when I'm in the room with someone...or maybe ON the phone with them...I suppose I could have shot a video of myself coaching her labor for her (my phone has that technology) and she could have shot something in return for me...
How annoyed do you think her husband would have been?
9:21 AM November 7:
Baby Boy Soren, 11:42 PM, 7 lbs 14 oz, 20.5 inches & a blond!
I can't wait to meet him...
or at least text him...
I am Thankful for:
Being yet another auntie to a little one (always a bridesmaid never a bride...sigh)
The special package for my mother and I to share...from Degoba Organic Chocolates...holy cow (or not...since I only got dark chocolate)
Congrats Auntie Sadie! What a Bootiful Boy! Congrats to the new Mommie and Daddy too!
Babies are the only thing in the world better than chocolate.
Babies and chocolate in one post...
that is a tough post to top....
How can I say thank you enough, for a whole blog post dedicated to my little guy? That is TOO COOL! Yes, I was thinking of you during labor and wanting to share my excitement (and pain) :) Let's just say I'm glad that whole pain and pushing part is over with! It was shortly after that text that I got my epidural, which helped a lot with abdominal contractions, but not back labor. It kind of skips that part of the body. glad I took childbirth courses.
I can't wait for you to meet him, and he can't wait to meet you too!
Congratulations, Auntie S!! OK, and I'm tremendously impressed that the cutie pie's mom has already commented.
I love it.
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