29 November 2007

I Am Soooo Thin...

These were the words I was singing gleefully at the top of my lungs to myself and the cat...yesterday morning on my way to the therapist...

You see, I haven't been walking as much as I was (try once a week if you make me) and I have been a little worried in the back of my mind about my weight. I think when one looses as much weight as I have, you probably always worry a little bit...so, I have been watching what I've been eating and trying to be more healthy (which is represented by this pot of Canalinni Beans and Tomato dish I made yesterday pilfered from my new favorite cookbook Apples For Jam I'm telling you...the recipes in this book are easy and good...and this one called for celery leaves, which was fun because when do you get to use your celery leaves? I usually just throw mine away) and here I was...putting on a little denim skirt to wear for the day and zipped it up, and it was not as snug as it was the last time I wore it...

Cause' this is a GOOD week...it's finally my time to shine here!

I did have a sneaking suspicion that I may not have washed it in between the last time I wore it and yesterday...but, I decided to dismiss that thought entirely and be happy and hum a lot under my breath because the fact of the matter was...this skirt fit better...and as I sat down in the car driving to my therapy appointment, my skirt felt so loose...


There was some room in this thing now that had not been there before...

I was so happy...

And...Proud of myself...

Until I took two steps out of the car and the entire skirt fell down around my ankles and almost killed me, because the zipper had come entirely undone.


Things I am Thankful For:

The ability to laugh at myself as I stand in a public parking lot, desperately trying to do my zipper up with one hand and walk, turn off the cell phone, lock the car door...all while trying not to flash anyone.

Being able to make tasty healthy easy and good food (and lots of it so that I have enough to take to work with me for the rest of the week for lunch)


Anonymous said...

You're skinny!


I use celery leaves in my soups...has the same flavor...

Suzanne said...

OMG, that is one hilarious story! I can picture it all..the question is, was it loose before the zipper came down, or was it never up at all? That craziness of weight that weighs (no pun intended) on us all, even me, 3 wks post-preg. They say our best indicator is how our clothes fit us, not our weight, so check you out chickadee!

Tonya said...

Did your skirt really fall down??! Is that worse than me walking around all day last week at the mall with my zipper down? hmmm, not sure. Well, your food looks yummy, and I always use the leaves everytime I cook with celery.
Happy Holidays!!!!

sulu-design said...

Oh, I love it! And I love that you're able to laugh about it (and post about it). A friend of mine was walking down the street one day, wearing a cute little skirt, when all of a sudden, her underwear fell down to her ankles. Seems she hadn't done laundry in a while and was down to her last "there's not a shred of elastic left in these" pair.

~Molly~ said...

How awesome is that?!! Not that you lost your skirt, that you were looser in your skirt!

When I went to the doctor for my blood pressure check last week, I had lost 11 pounds(last check was in May). Unfortunately I'd probably lost about 20 during the summer but I stopped walking and gained some back. However, just knowing I had actually LOST weight gave me renewed hope and got me back on track.

Keep up the good "work".


rebecca said...

Heehee. You pants'ed yourself... or I suppose, skirted yourself. I have been there, my friend... I have been there.

Anonymous said...

Celery is the bees knees!!!! I put the tops in my turkey loaf, and I LOVE to eat them , they are tasty!!!! Youa re hilarious!!!

Did anyone see your derrier???? Were you wearing your Saturday undies by mistake? hee heee... Tooo cute!!! xooxoxo

Carol Dunton said...


Oh girl, I can just picture that whole scene!! I'm sorry, but that is too damn funny!! You poor, SKINNY thing!! : ))



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