24 August 2010

She's Off...With No Forwarding Address...

photo credit

Have you ever gotten into the car at the start of a day and thought that it would be amazingly fun to just keep driving?

Instead of doing the right thing, and showing up at all the places one would normally look for someone like yourself?

Who would notice you were gone?

Would anyone miss you?

Well...I washed Honey all up this morning and vacuumed her all out...shined her up and filled her up with gas.  My bags are packed.  Ms. Mena, Foolsewoode,  and Snap! Snap! are being lovingly looked after.  It's time for me to flee the mountain for a bit.  Change up my perspective...look for new inspiration...dance in the ocean, eat some fish, chocolate, drink coffee and wine, and relax...I board a jet plane early tomorrow with my good friend Claudine to fly away from here.

I will not be posting in this space until Monday...but you can follow my further adventures on Facebook if you wish.

I will miss you all madly...

But.  I need this break.


thatgirldina said...

Have an amazing time! I know you will! This is such a well deserved break for you. I'll be thinking happy traveling thoughts and sending them your way.

flutter said...

have fun, gorgeous


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