23 October 2009

Hat Theif...

Well...perhaps not thief...I did buy this hat for the winter (new...but it was a steal! Hahahah...sigh) I don't usually buy a lot of things new (unless I'm near an Anthroplogie, then we're in trouble...although last time I was in one, I didn't buy a darned thing...odd) seeing as I own my own resale clothing store...I usually find a lot of things I need (OK. Want.) walk right through the door or fly off the racks at thrifts...or yard sales...or any other places I find myself. And totally beyond that...I am a sale shopper, choosing to look for marked down items as a pig looks for truffles.

Oh wait. I don't know if I like that metaphor. I would rather not think of myself as a pig at all...unless it comes to actual truffles...then you could probably stretch that metaphor to fit me.


What else looks for truffles? Dogs! Oh. But that's not too much better than pigs is it?

I may have to drop the whole truffle thing all together.

It's really too bad, because I love truffles.

And I love my new hat!
(because that's what we're talking about here right?)

I got it in Flagstaff this last weekend and have worn it twice already. I have no complaints.
Ok, I have two complaints:

1. It was too far too warm both days I wore my new hat (but to be perfectly fair, it didn't start out that warm in the morning when I first donned it)

2. It gives me some incredible hat hair...which is why I opt to usually forgo a hat in the winter all together. I know that's kind of nuts, and one usually wears a hat to keep oneself warm...but sometimes I spend time on my hairdo in the morning, and it seems silly to ruin it by wearing a hat...So, I have taken to wearing the hat all day, as to hide my hat hair...and it is a great solution. Unless it's too warm for a hat to begin with. Plus? I simply adore hats and would jump at the chance to become a milliner...

But those two tiny things aside...I find the hat simply lovely. It is black and woolly and has the sweetest little bow on the right side...which you can not see in the picture I took, but trust me...it's there.

I have to say it's been a stellar year for hats in my little world...I have two incredible vintage beauties I got a while back...but I have run out of time this week, and will return to show you next week. Don't loose any sleep over it this weekend...go out and have fun!

I feel now as if I must go search for truffles asap...luckily I don't need a dog or a pig to do so, as I happen to have a jar I brought back from Italy with me...


Mytutorlist.com said...

You look so cute in it!

Sandra Evertson said...

Great shot!
Sandra Evertson


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