25 April 2008

A Study In Kitty Portraiture...

(because the new 10D apparently takes some mighty fine pictures...no matter what kind of weird sinus thing you may be battling...and with hardly any effort at all from said photographer...like maybe even while sitting on her tushie in her favorite chair...)

Weekend Fun including:

  • Art gallery opening Friday night and dinner afterwards with these fine people (we did go for a little picture taking hike last night out on the Rocks at Granite Dells...I know, I pushed myself a little hard last night, but in my defense, I had just eaten some Thai Crack (TomKa soup and spring rolls) so I was feeling all mighty)
  • Picking up some movies at Hasting's...things I've been wanting to see for a while now
  • Rest. Putting on the ole' organic PJ's my mother got me for Christmas, and putting my feet up. Resting. Drinking lot's of fluids. Catching up on my digital photography reading. Resting. Watching movies (maybe journeying out to the Airstream to rest and watch movies?) Whatever I do, I'm going to try doing it in PJ's...
I certainly don't want to miss any fun next week...


hollibobolli said...

She looks so much like the cat I had forEVER.. Spook lived for almost 20 years!! Journeying to the Airstream sounds great.

I'm finding the bunnyslipper link now!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Happy happpppy belated birthday lovely!!!!! Where have I beeeeeeeen?????? Happpy everything, and yes, put your feet up and relax every now and then!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Repeat after me: I will rest. I will rest. I will be good, and I will rest. (Or Wende will kick my booty all the way to the coast. Where I will rest.)

Mytutorlist.com said...

Your cat looks very relaxed and comfy. You should defintely mimic the cat until you get better.

Have a good, restful day!


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