24 April 2008

OK, I admit...

That I may have pushed myself too far without the adequate amount of rest for the last few weeks...I am, human, no matter how much I want to think that I have boundless energy and I am invincible. Sometimes a girl's gotta take a little break and put her feet up (no matter how much fun she is having...why is it so hard for me to say "let me rest a bit"? I hate the feeling like I may miss out on something)

That whatever is in the sky/air is affecting me more that I have previously wanted to admit...that my allergies are a real condition...and trying to sweetly ignore them, pretend they're not there, or bully them into submission never works...

That I now have
what looks to be a sinus and bronchial infection (a small one) due to the over tiredness of my sinuses and being hit continually with airborne allergens (and I know this is a fact because, if I hide away in the Airstream, all stretched out under a blankie...man, what a great house guest I am...in the 200 sq ft space of HEPA~ized air...I'm able to stop sneezing and enjoy eating food without having to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes...I know, tmi...but the HEPA seems to help immensely) Although, after finally admitting that I may be a bit ill to myself, I could finally do something extra to help support my immune system...again, I'm realizing I'm human here, and need a little help here and there with remaining healthy. And short of leaving AZ for a month every year...I need to remember all this (then again, airborne allergies are different strengths every year)

That this may be
a rest and movie weekend instead of a get out and pack in tonsoffun during the days off...There's a nagging part of me that wants to clean and organize (I mean, if I'm going to be at home...) Rest girl.

this is a deep rooted pattern I have...No rest if a lot of fun happens my way...until I'm forced to...

I'm powerless over this...

I'm realizing I have a problem...

I'm saying it outloud...

I admitted it...Now can all the sniffles and coughing go away so that I may resume my fun?

(And, not just for me, because Terry and Greg are here for a visit...and they are superfun!!)


Anonymous said...

Oh, sweetie! I hope you feel better VERY SOON. It's hard to miss out on stuff... but learning to not over-do is a necessity!

Bobbypin Bandit said...

I need to rest also. I have been running around with school and my dog, and my best friend's wedding. It's all over now and I just need to get through my last two weeks of school. I wish I was that kitty cat all snuggled up in the sun napping away!! I hope you are well. Sorry I have been out of touch!! XOXOXO

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Oh I do hope you rest. I'm the same way, though, when I'm supposed to be resting...I'll just straighten up those papers there...and...there's no reason I can't go through the fridge...and....

Get well soon!

Mytutorlist.com said...

Poor girl! Get some good rest. My allergies are starting up too and it's no fun. Although this year they are not as bad so far. I have been taking antihistamines regularly so that's a big help for keeping the worst at bay.

sulu-design said...

I SO understand your pain here, Ms. Sniffles. Oh, the curse of allergies and all that comes along with them. Wishing you a speedy recovery from the infection. Take care of yourself!


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