28 January 2010

In The Grips...

...of a sinus infection and everything else that goes along with such things.

That's been a main theme this week.  There are a lot of other things happening around and about my life...but the common thread is sinus (sneeze/achoo/blow) and exhaustion (zzzzzz....)  As with any respiratory illness, it's worse in the morning when I am first out of bed, causing me to wonder if I slept at all the night before?

Oh I did.

I have the weird and detailed dreams to prove it.

My day's off have been postponed one whole day this week...and I am fantasizing about laying around resting...lightly peppered with a visit with the new baby and mama, Rozzilyn's first birthday of her teen years...and a movie date.  Other than that?

I think I may just be working on becoming one with the couch.


Rhonda Roo said...

Eeps, be better soon! People sniffling, crud going around, its that time of year tra la tra la...

I am rather curious about dreams. Wonder what yours are in a state of achoo-ity....


wende said...

I hope you feel better super soon. Sinus infections are the pits.

sulu-design said...

It took me a while to do some serious catching up, but I have finally gotten to all of the blogs in my bloglines account after a rather busy moving month. And my goodness, you've had a lot on your mind (and a javelina in your yard!?!) I hope that you feel better soon (in regard to the sinuses and the thirtysomething crisis - I totally understand). Take care, girl.

Suzanne said...

Sinus infections blow. Oh, that didn't come out right, or did it? I sure hope you feel better soon. I swear I never got those when I was young, and now, it never fails when I get a cold, and on top of it, a major asthma issue. Dang...I'm not sure I like this getting older business. You take care though, and get lots of rest!


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