10 August 2009


Feeling the need for a bit of rest and relaxation? Having a hard couple of days week weeks time lately...I would suggest a girlie slumber party...complete with your favorite snack foods and rich desserts. Things you don't normally let yourself have unless it's a special occasion. Fantastic pink drinks in the form of cosmopolitans. Good entertainment in the form of movies and addictive British TV series...All wrapped up with some great company...wearing your silk PJ's for almost two days straight, lounging around on the couch...and not getting up unless it's to refill your shaken iced tea (a recipe you've created on the fly with a bit of Starbucks inspiration to guide you) or to grab something else to eat...or to let the dog out.

While DaNece and I didn't do the regular sleep over things like paint our nails or braid our hair...we didn't make crafts or sleep in our sleeping bags on a hard floor...we're more sophisticated (in the form of having a private guest bedroom made up just for me, with an actual bed...sleeping on the floor doesn't feel quite as good as it once did...ahem) instead we found ourselves giggling our way through our staycation, stopping movies for some serious food and even more serious conversation...solving the problems of the world...and kind of hiding out for a while. When I left early in the evening on day two to wander towards home, I felt very relaxed and renewed...and ready to start this next week in a very different way

There's nothing
like having a weekend choc full of fun...but every once in a while, I am finding that it's just as important to let a little relaxation in as well. No pressure, no errands, no goals, no cleaning, no jumping in the car to run...just pure putting your feet up and resting. I find myself having a hard time relaxing sometimes...I get a bit caught up in the go go go of regular life and sometimes feel guilty if I sit with my feet up...but I am learning the world spins madly on even if I should decide to sit and be...which comes as a huge relief.

Cheers to a good week ahead.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes that is just the trick to relax and re-charge the ol' batteries. Glad y'all had fun!

NeceLynn said...

and a good time was had...by all!! I had a really good time, and I can't wait to see the 3rd season of Cold Feet :-)

flutter said...

how fun!


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