31 August 2009

Putting My Feet Up...

...is exactly what I did the entire weekend. And, I think it just may have helped move this flu on its merry way. I hope it goes on to flu vacation land and not to someone else...

Which means I really don't have a lot of pictures to share. Hello Flu. Good bye Weekend. In between bouts of dizziness, going through almost an entire box of Puffs Plus...and supporting the Florida Orange Farmers and their families...I don't have a lot to report. I made it through 2 seasons of Will and Grace...and then onto Bridget Jones...

All very helpful.

I also happened to nap a lot. I should be the most well rested person on the planet after this weekend...and I'm going to ease back in to going to the gym.

Which is code for: I'm going to see Funny People tonight instead of yoga...It's like stretching for my laughing muscles.

I have to thank everyone who brought over medication, juice, crackers...and got on the phone and said in threatening, yet non-threatening ways, "You're going to rest aren't you?!?!"

Apparently I have a hard time putting my feet up...it's easier to put them down and dance. Or run around like a maniac...but, this thing kicked tush, andI knew I had turned a corner with this flu when yesterday I started the morning making coffee, something I had not done since Thursday...and ended the day making a lovely dish of veggie enchiladas with green sauce...something I enjoyed for dinner and that I can take for lunch all week.

You see, previous to yesterday, standing for long periods of time made me sicker and exhausteder...

That is the technical term for it.

Also dizzier.
(in case you hadn't gotten that up there...)

Whatever this was, really took a lot out of me...which is another reason there are no pictures to accompany this post. I'm not so sure you would have liked to see the sicker, stuffed-up, drooling version of me...

I mean, not after all the tiara goodness and whatnot.

I do have a reputation to uphold after all...

1 comment:

sulu-design said...

It's funny how hard it can be to put our feet up (figuratively... although this morning my quads are a bit tight, so I guess I could mean literally, too). It sounds like it was exactly what your body needed though. Glad to hear the flu is getting booted.


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