09 May 2006

I'm Tiiii-red!!

Mostly due to the fact that garage/estate sale season is in full swing...And my mother being an established antique dealer in town (due to the fact that she's been eeeeking (yikes) out a living from antiques for quite a while, as a space and store owner for years) was invited to an early preview estate sale. This estate was from a woman who was in town for a long time...And once owned Samuel Hill's warehouse, and ran it as a type of general store. So...there was all sorts of really neat things! I will post pictures soon...I went as a helper/picker so we could be a force to be reckoned with...the two of us...I wonder if it worked? (and I was up early...So, I am wiped out!)

SO...For those of you who have been waiting with bated breath for the rest of my trip details...I will now do the next day, which I just realized I am a day off...as day one and the traveling day was the same day even though it was in actuality 2 separate days (time changes and whatnot)...so, I guess I'm on day 9...

Bomarzo Gardens...

This was an amazing garden...And crowded as it was the day after Easter, and a traditional day for picnicking with your family...and everyone else's apparently!!

All these statues are just huge...Apparently this man started carving all these and didn't have children...So no one to help him finish or even remember what was going on, as it was all overgrown and finally found by someone at some point in history! The picture of me and Thais in front of that big mouth/face has a wonderful stone table and chairs inside of it...Very fun! It is absolutely green and lush in this village...And the birds seem to sing all night and day in the country in Italy...It's just amazing!

We also had time to go to this little village for lunch and then a tour of another place which I can't seem to remember the name of off the top of my head (so much we did!)...Wait...it's the Vila Lante (thank you dad!!) We had wonderful gelatto here...banana, pistachio, and coconut! Then did a fun tour of this place with about a million different water features! And some great formal gardens...And a grotto (I seriously need to get one of these!). The funny thing was that the actual "palace"/residence was in 2 separate buildings that were actually quite small...But really wonderful none the less!

There were faces on all these stone vases and fases with water...everything had water coming out of it!

The trees here were also amazing!

This was our last day in Italy...fun and good-bye to Italy for now, and I'm sure I will return!


Anonymous said...

Sadira,Great photos the Villa Lante is the name of the place that has all the water fountains and nice gardens.

Rozzilyn said...

Great photos and wonderful subject matter. Maybe we were a farce to be reckoned with!


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