07 May 2009

Biscuits Anyone?

Oh My...

Especially when they're imported biscuits from Liverpool England in such a festive tin...Look at this adorable girl with her dog in her pedal car.

Doesn't she just look delirious?!

I'm thinking it must be because she knows the biscuits in this tin are so darned good...

Or that perhaps it's her birthday?

I mean look at all those cute balloons decorating the sides of the tin...not to mention the one decorating her car...flying behind her and her little auto companion...

Then again, maybe she's just one of those pushy kids that show up at parties that want to help open all the gifts (which I absolutely can't stand...including the kids that do that at adult parties...if the gifts aren't for you, you don't get to open them...besides, adults have a lot more experience with opening gifts, and if I spend money on a gift you'd better darn well know that I want the actual recipient to open it...oh, excuse me...ahem.) and then throw a fit until they get to play with all the new toys...

Perhaps her happiness is mistaken here for pure hysteria and the dog isn't so much a willing participant as a kidnapped canine.

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