I mean Mail...
But, it captured your attention didn't it? I figured I needed some sort of being
the Most Wonderful Time of the Year and all (everytime I hear that uttered in a song or by someone, I snicker...that's like saying Disneyland is
the Happiest Place on Earth...calm down people)
Yes, I have misplaced my Christmas spirit...sometimes that's what know? When you work with the public? Thats why I keep a good pile of holiday music on heavy rotation, we don't want it to be known as the Homicidal Holidays now do we?
And if one more person comes in asking, "
do you have any UGLY holiday sweaters?!?!" and then gets mad, snarky, and rolls their eyes at me and acts all disgusted, like I'm some kind of backwards hick...because I try to explain to them in the nicest of ways, that I don't do as well in the resale clothing realm if I stock the store with ugly...intentional or not...
NOTE: Dear Party Planners, If
we're all going to have holiday parties with the theme of
Ugly Holiday Sweaters (and I'm sure other people have been doing this for years, but we're a little s-l-o-w up here) could you send out fliers say, oh...6 months in we peons can be prepared so your holiday invitees don't yell at us? Because I'm about to suggest that they buy a "normal" red or green sweater and tape their own picture to it...because that should surely win them an ugly contest...Thank you kindly.
Sincerely, Snap SnapI also promised myself this year (since I'm finally far enough away from the divorce experience to be really creating my own holiday traditions) that I would do all the little local things that have brought me so much holiday enjoyment in the past, and since we're known as
Arizona's Christmas City, I should have no problems...
Christmas Parade - Freezing and rainy - skipped it
Acker Music Night - Freezing, rainy
and windy - skipped it
The Courthouse Lighting - I always get a cold when I attempt to go - skipped it again this year
I figure, I am still left with:
The Prescott Valley of Lights - A fun animated drive-through light thing, that can be viewed from the warmness of your car, so it doesn't matter what it's like outside
Arizona's Largest Gingerbread Village - Inside at the resort, and usually really fun.
(see? I may find my missing Christmas spirit yet...Plus, I got one of Sara Jessica Parker's new tee's from her clothing line today at the thrift and it says "
let your feelings slip" which while a lovely sentiment...does not say, "
let your feelings ooze out all over your blogging friends" So, I shall now report happy:)
I received the loveliest of packages some time ago from
Ampersander-Bound, full of the most wonderfullest postcards of our state fair...not only were they wrapped in the most festive and caring of manners, but this girl is a talented photographer to be sure! I am excited to frame them and put them up somewhere in the house...
I also received a do-it-yourself kit from
Fluffy Flowers for my own little ghosts of Christmas...I am excited to try that one soon, and get these little babies all hung up!
A little envelope and holiday card from one of my readers also graced my home...filled with a little red glitter ornament that says JOY...which will find a permanent place hanging somewhere in the house after the holidays...
Rozz and I got a huge Christmas Box from my father...complete with a new sock monkey, I might add...and those presents are safely under the tree waiting for Christmas (and he sent a lovely card with another present in it...more on that later though)
And I have received a ton of the most wonderful Christmas Cards and well wishes from so many of my blog readers...So, there's my holiday spirit! Thank you all for the most thoughtful things you've done for me this holiday season...
I am a most lucky Christmas Sprite indeed!