22 January 2009

Hey Lil' Buckaroo...

This a little something I spied all wadded up on a shelf during our recent tour of the Vulture Mine ghost town...a vintage bag of potato chips! Apparently they were made fresh daily in Arizona...

Complete with the Crispy Kid...

I'm pretty sure that I love the Crispy Kid almost as much as I love potato chips (which may be my downfall in the battle to loose weight...)

Damn my crispy, salty potato lover...

Which probably means I would totally date the Crispy Kid...I love his lasso and his 10 gallon white hat (this is how you know he's a good guy, not the fact that he's on a bag of potato chips, but that he's wearing a white hat...I would assume that maybe the black hat would be reserved for a more bar-b-q flavor) his access to fresh potato chips...


The way this bag was wadded up made me think that it was more of a piece of trash, which of course, made me want to smooth it out, put it in my pocket, and take a picture of it all at the same time. But, if you've been to the Vulture Mine you would realize pretty quickly these little details are set all around the place so that you can enjoy the feel of a quickly abandoned mine...

It's working.

Well that, and I'm craving potato chips...


Mytutorlist.com said...

Heheh, now you've got ME craving potato chips too!

Anonymous said...

MMMMMMMM... potato chips.... YUM!

Felicia said...

[giggle] Those little bucaroos know what they like :)


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