03 January 2008

The Bang Report...

I know you've all been living on the edge of your seats about the bang thing...

(rolling my eyes...I mean, surely 3 days into the New Year, the girl would have something to blog about...think again)

I know that they're really not that bad (and I have to admit that they do look a little kicky when I pull my hair back) it's just a bit shocking to look in the mirror and see my eyebrows. I think I use bangs to hide behind a little bit (much like glasses, only I don't need bangs to drive necessarily) In my esteemed opinion, I have a ridiculously high forehead of which I've not been too friendly in the past...although, there was a time when I decided I needed to make peace with it, and grew my bangs out.

I suppose I learned to live with seeing my forehead on a daily basis, but in retrospect I don't think it was necessarily the best look for me (and quite possibly punished those in my life that had to look at me) but, it was also at a point in my life where I'd about given up and needed to make a change...I of course, opted for the less painful changing of the hair (and later the changing of the marital status, although I'm not sure that hair was the eventual demise of my marriage...and the length of my bangs in the present do not have to do with change, it has to do with me forgetting to tell my hairdresser not to go too short...because he is an amazing and talented man who always listens to what I want and cuts my hair accordingly)

Oddly enough, I did have bangs cut quite soon after I separated...and have been much more comfortable since...

Mostly because I think bangs make me look younger...



flutter said...

ok, I love them. Seriously.

~Molly~ said...

Oh my gosh! In that last pic you look about 14ish!! How cool is that? 21 tops in the other pics. Love them though, they do look spunky. My hair has gotten more wavy as I age so now I have a weird dip on one side of my bangs, which means I have to curl them or blowdry them under if I want to look like I have a style at all. Amy took a pic of me today so you can go see for yourself on my blog.


Carol Dunton said...

LOL!! Oh girl, you really should title this post 'The Big Bang Theory!' I just have to laugh at your ponderings on this! I think you look tres magnific! And honestly, you took years off of you by taking hair off of you! On a serious note, I submit to your thought of 'hiding' behind bangs. This Miss Sadira has nothing to hide about nor from...and Sadie, girl... it's like you just unwrapped yourself as a gift to this beautiful world! I love it!
: )

nuttnbunny said...

Darling, simply smashing!

Mamacita Chilena said...

how old are you? Because you really do look like you're about 16 in some of these pictures!

You can definitely pull bangs off, I'm impressed :)

Anonymous said...

Girl, you are rocking those bangs! I always wanted bangs when I was younger. Alas, having really curly hair and living in an incredibly humid part of the country means bangs are just a bad idea for me.

Anonymous said...

Like I siad, I'll bet theye're not too bad! LOL!

Felicia said...

Hum, I don't know what you're talking about because I love the bangs. Did you cut them yourself? Did you add that sort of fringy action to the top of the bangs? Hard to describe since I'm not a hairdresser but I saw it in picture form once. Anyway, you're a cutie :)

luvmygreenbug said...

I do really like the bangs! They're not "Pammie bangs" at all, very stylish....

sulu-design said...

EEEEK!!! So here I am, catching up on waaaay too many missed blog posts, reading them from most recent to oldest, and I see a girl in the sushi post who I don't recognize. I figure she's Arthur's wife or something, since I read about her in the post that followed this one. And then I come to find that girl is you! Those bangs are so gosh darn cute on you, Sadira! I just love them. It's a whole new you. Adorable.


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