22 March 2011

Sniff Sniff...

I'm so sorry for my absence here again lately, but allergy season has started in full force in my little mountain town.  This is not unusual for this time of year of course, but what is unusual is the severity of the allergies that have descended into our town.

I remember thinking that it's been a hot mess around here as everywhere I've gone lately, people are sniffing and sneezing and rubbing their eyes.  So, I'm not alone...and everyone who happens to be sniffing and sneezing and rubbing their eyes have all complained that this is one of the worst allergy seasons they can remember.

Myself included.

I've had to double up on the pills I take a couple of time, and it still didn't prevent me from getting some pretty severe flu-like symptoms this last week.  Although, I've talked to a few people who say when they get allergies, they actually feel like they have the flu (which is new to me)  So, I've been taking it a bit easy the last few days and trying to get over whatever it is that I have, be it flu or allergies.

Luckily we just got some more snow (yipes!) yesterday, so I think it's tamped down the pollen for a bit...I'll let you know.

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